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  1. X: Uknown

    Weird, Wacky & Strange Coaster Bits I thought it was a display at first.
  2. X: Uknown

    Weird, Wacky & Strange Coaster Bits

    Not a coaster but still: by Swampfoxer
  3. X: Uknown

    Fun Spot is awesome!

    Fun Spot is awesome!
  4. X: Uknown

    Walibi Belgium ready for its transformation!

    Now I need a tissue, screw that, a whole box is needed.
  5. X: Uknown

    Fantastic old coaster footage/pics

    Sorry, I meant to put it n the old photo topic. Could a mod move it for me please?
  6. X: Uknown

    Fantastic old coaster footage/pics

    Thank you! Has anyone on here ridden it?
  7. X: Uknown

    Nostalgic Love for not very good rides?

    High Speed Thrill Coaster. My first ever coaster. Scared me silly and I wish I could ride it one more time.
  8. X: Uknown

    CF Lives 2019 Ideas Topic

    Would a PA Live work? I could manage that as I have a job now.
  9. X: Uknown

    Music Recommendations

    Nox Arcana's Carnival of Lost Souls is amazing.
  10. X: Uknown

    Worst Small World Rip-off

    What is the wost It's A Small World rip off you've ever seen or ridden? For me this is . I know TPR is awful, but it's the only video of this rip-off i know of.
  11. X: Uknown

    Underrated Dark Rides

    Here's another gem
  12. X: Uknown

    Schwaben Park | Wilde Hilde | RES Roller Ball

    And he's trying to do better, so maybe you could give him another chance?
  13. X: Uknown

    Music Recommendations

  14. X: Uknown

    Hersheypark | Chocolatetown | 2019/2020 Park Expansion

    They should name it Highway to Hershey.
  15. X: Uknown

    Underrated Dark Rides

    Classic acid trip dark ride.
  16. X: Uknown

    Chance Rides track spotted heading to East Coast of USA: Where could it be going?

    Dollywood maby? A Hyper-GX would be cool.
  17. X: Uknown

    Weird, Wacky & Strange Coaster Bits

    Not a coaster but still weird: