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CF Lives 2019 Ideas Topic

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We get certain volunteers to do the planning. I did the mini trip in 2016 planning and am not against planning again. I'm great with the logistics, hotel, car rentals, park tickets, but I know my strengths stop there, especially with sugaring up parks to get perks. Which is where Snoo comes in. I can find deals to save money, and he can get us all the perks.

Social media needs to be used to plan. I know I'm not getting a Texas live, but we need to create polls. 3-4 day trip lengths and don't get too ambitious. Just find the right area to grow and build our new base that way.

We can use 2019 as a soft reboot for lives, and then call it 2020 the year we hit hard with the week long trips.

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I've not long since driven through France, Belgium and Holland (from Cardiff, Wales no less...) hitting up a good few parks on the way. Not done a Live as yet after years of lurking and alas, the time has come this year I feel! More than happy to car-share, pick up people on the way to wherever come 2019.

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Wow, there's so many great ideas in this topic!

I've not really been too involved with Lives for a few years, mainly because I have to really budget in advance and I only have so many days off work (also schedules to work around). For me everything needs to be fairly organised a long time before it happens (I already have a rough idea of where I want to go for the next 3 years). On top of that, life is also distracting which is why those who used to head up all the Live planning have been quiet for a long time.

A dedicated team, with specialists in each region seems like the way to go.

Marketing is also a BIG thing and I agree that more video content should be used as a way to draw people into coming along to future events. I'd be up for editing stuff but not sure I really have the time to follow through with actually doing it.

The idea of getting enough peeps for a coach for the European and USA trips seems like a brilliant idea and I know it would have helped sway me into joining some of the previous meets.

Thanks @Serena for taking the lead on recent events and @Ben for really throwing some great ideas out there (and starting that poll on FB).
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We get certain volunteers to do the planning. I did the mini trip in 2016 planning and am not against planning again. I'm great with the logistics, hotel, car rentals, park tickets, but I know my strengths stop there, especially with sugaring up parks to get perks. Which is where Snoo comes in. I can find deals to save money, and he can get us all the perks.

Social media needs to be used to plan. I know I'm not getting a Texas live, but we need to create polls. 3-4 day trip lengths and don't get too ambitious. Just find the right area to grow and build our new base that way.

We can use 2019 as a soft reboot for lives, and then call it 2020 the year we hit hard with the week long trips.

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I totally agree with this – I think that 2019 should be seen as a soft reboot (potentially with a smaller, organised GF in Europe at the end of the year) with a view to 2020 being the hardcore year where we’re proper on top again.

I honestly think it sounds like the members are all in agreement – and thank you @peep for your post, I think it’s key to have the insights of the old school members who may have flown the nest a bit more.

I think we all know what needs to happen but @Ian and @ECG – it’d be really good to get your thoughts and how can we start pushing forward?
Fully organised trips - yes please! I've been on several events over the past 3 seasons but so far all of them have been DIY affairs, where ticketing, transport and digs have all been up to the attendees. While that set-up works to a certain extent, particularly for experienced, well travelled goons, I can imagine that would be quite off-putting for a first timer.
I would love to just pay a fee, turn up at the starting point and simply go along for the ride.
Goon bus - love it! If we can't get enough for a bus then, as has been mentioned, we need decent perks for the car drivers, and a designated space for @caffeine_demon ;)

And lastly - proper destination parks. I know most of our more experienced members have already been to the majority of major parks, but the noobs and the basics haven't, and I can't imagine they'll be lining up in droves to go on trips to Belantis, Plohn and Le Pal. I mean, who has even heard of Belantis, Plohn and Le Pal anyway, let alone has them on their bucket list? You want big Lives with big numbers, you need to go to the big parks with the big coasters that people want to ride. Europa, Port Aventura, Phantasia, Liseberg, Asterix, Cedar Point - those are the kind of places you need the big meet-ups. Save the tinpot, +1, wacky-worm mopping, cred whore slag runs for the DIY trips.
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And lastly - proper destination parks. I know most of our more experienced members have already been to the majority of major parks, but the noobs and the basics haven't, and I can't imagine they'll be lining up in droves to go on trips to Belantis, Plohn and Le Pal.
Yeah, agreed with this. I think when Vienna was decided on in 2017, you had about five turn up because it's far away, not especially exciting as parks go and expensive. Sure it had 14 creds (and the family park nearby was actually amazing), but the headline names don't inspire much. It seems like there's a decent number of regulars up for Belantis/Plohn, but thinking about it, most of us would probably make an effort at some other point in the year anyway (though bonus points for Plohn's new coaster).
Yeah, agreed with this. I think when Vienna was decided on in 2017, you had about five turn up because it's far away, not especially exciting as parks go and expensive. Sure it had 14 creds (and the family park nearby was actually amazing), but the headline names don't inspire much. It seems like there's a decent number of regulars up for Belantis/Plohn, but thinking about it, most of us would probably make an effort at some other point in the year anyway (though bonus points for Plohn's new coaster).
Vienna is cheap...for me at least...
It was nice meeting those of you who managed to attend, though :p
Not going to lie, 2018 was a bit of a write off for me as, at the age of 37, I decided to concentrate getting a career on track. Now I’m on that track - I’d say approaching the top of the lift hill to give it a coaster analogy - I’m keen to get 2019 going proper. I’m really grateful for the input and enthusiasm, and especially from Serena for taking a lead on this.

I’m meeting with Jerry and Snoo next week I’m Orlando ready for IAAPA, so we can talk about some of the stuff mentioned here. There are things I like the sound off, some stuff not so much so, but I’m easily swayed by a good argument!

Please keepthe suggestions coming and we’ll get **** sorted before the end of this year, once it’s even mulled over.
Fully organised trips - yes please! I've been on several events over the past 3 seasons but so far all of them have been DIY affairs, where ticketing, transport and digs have all been up to the attendees. While that set-up works to a certain extent, particularly for experienced, well travelled goons, I can imagine that would be quite off-putting for a first timer.
I would love to just pay a fee, turn up at the starting point and simply go along for the ride.
Goon bus - love it! If we can't get enough for a bus then, as has been mentioned, we need decent perks for the car drivers, and a designated space for @caffeine_demon ;)

I Like the organised trips - Evel though i'm ok with planning public transport, it just takes out the faff of allowing for irregular bus and train schedules, and parks which are far away from bus or train stations. A coach or minibus would be an awesome idea, if there were enough of us!

And lastly - proper destination parks. I know most of our more experienced members have already been to the majority of major parks, but the noobs and the basics haven't, and I can't imagine they'll be lining up in droves to go on trips to Belantis, Plohn and Le Pal.
Save the tinpot, +1, wacky-worm mopping, cred whore slag runs for the DIY trips.

I'd agree with parks which are purely +1s (particularly big apples, sbf spinners, go gators and the like), but I've nothing against smaller parks with interesting stuff!
I ventured over here after seeing the poll on Facebook to see what the discussion was and put Walibi Holland in for consideration, so I’d be totally up for that! Walibi Holland & Bobbejannland (or Toverland) is a good combo for a weekend trip without needing to use up valuable holiday days, whereas as awesome as Phantasialand is, I think that combo means needing an extra day so there’s a bit of a negative there either returning to the same airport or transporting ourselves between different countries.

Seems like 2019 maybe isn’t the year for a massive trip but I reckon SFGA - Indiana Beach -Kings Island - Kentucky Kingdom - Holiday World - SFSL - Silver Dollar City - Worlds of Fun- Adventureland and possibly Valleyfair would be a good 2 weeker. Good mix of some quality parks and lots of creds that aren’t worthy of being single destinations. I’d be happy to help with planning/organising any trips!

When do dates normally get decided? Having them agreed as far in advance definitely helps, I know from my own experience there were a few this year I’d have been interested in but always had other plans on those weekends, and I’ve already got 3 trips booked for next year. A US live in June is definitely something I’d consider.

As someone who hasn’t really been on the forums in years I’d totally echo what Ben is saying about drawing up excitement on social media, everybody’s on there and hearing about the great times draws up more interest for the next one, on FB a video was posted to explain what a live is, which is a great idea but using a video from 10 years ago is maybe a bit irrelevant now.

I havet been to a live, but wouldn’t good, smaller parks better suited than big destination parks? Partly in size as big groups will inevitably move slowly which could mean missed creds at big parks but also most people have been/can justify a trip to a destination park, whereas the smaller parks are maybe places only other enthusiasts appreciate.
Right now, for US Lives next year, we decided that going straight for a 2-week haul wouldn't be the wisest idea. The plan right now is to host 4 "main" lives scattered throughout the year, with each of them focusing on one or two parks. We're still hammering out some of the details, but that is our current plan. Our hope is that these Lives would expand our reach to our various platforms, increasing the headcount at these events. If the turnout is good and everyone gives positive feedback, we'll consider doing some larger trips the following year. But right now, we still need to make sure this new system/structure works.

Regardless of the size of these trips, they should still be oodles of fun for everyone. Stay tuned for the details!
Is it worth publicising the Christmas meet on the facebook group? Really easy location for quite a few people I would expect and you could add in the usual Winter Wonderland pre-meet thing to entice people?
2018 was also a complete write-off for myself, like @Ian I changed jobs and worked an awful lot, and couldn't commit to any trips. But Liz and I are defo looking to get back in to the Live swing of things in 2019. Serena's done a great job lat year and in taking a lead for 2019, and there's been some really good ideas put around so far. Totally agreed that the Live brand needs to be pushed more on the SM channels, build community through the local meets, and incentivise the bigger Lives with perks, and 2019 should be a building block for a big 2020.
Cflives old school to me were - name badges, wrist bands, sillyness, weird sweets, inflatable hammers, borrowing my kids to go on the kiddy coasters, raffles, people meeting up on British transport to start the fun before getting to the parks, pulling faces at all the different cameras and camcorders, shouting "COASTERFORCE" on the rides, fat boats, fancy dress, blouser badges and so much more.

Then reliving them all through silly videos :)
Film Them
OK, this would take someone that's not me cause lord knows I hate filming :emoji_poop: - but make vlogs. @nadroJ is churning out great vlogs for her channel, if it's just for Lives there's no reason we can't do the same with the amount of us on here. Then you've got something to show people that weren't there exactly why they were missing out and make them want to come to the next one.

I just wanted to pick up on the quoted comment from Ben, I agree with the majority of his post to be honest but this in particular is something I wanted to pick up on. My interest in attending CoasterForce Live trips (back in 2004) came from the videos that Dan originally put out followed by the videos from Martyn, that's because those videos showed how much fun the original CF Live group used to have and I don't think I was alone in thinking "I want to be involved with this!". They were simple but effective marketing tools for CoasterForce, they got the name out there when forums and coaster videos were getting more popular and it, in my opinion, brought a wave of new people to the CF Lives.

It's never easy filming a full event and enjoying it, but having someone to film a small chunk of the fun stuff at your CF Lives would probably get a huge wave of new people involved from the CF YouTube channel, of course the channel is mostly made up of ride footage but putting some CF Live footage on there every time you have a trip coming up and then a highlights video after the trip would probably get so many more people involved.

I am commenting from experience here, PBE has never been and will never be as big as CoasterForce but when we advertised events on our forum we got 30-40 people maximum, taking the event advertising to social media and YouTube has seen a huge growth in attendance figures.

Finally, I stopped doing CF Lives because the focus shifted from having regular yearly trips up to Blackpool and other Northern parks, and went more European, which was completely understandable but at the time, I couldn't afford to do those trips and lost interest, and I've never really got back into the swing of attending regularly since. We loved doing the joint ERT session and Vahalla rides with you at the Pleasure Beach back in June, hopefully we can do it again sometime.

I have just started posting some old live videos on the CF Group page on Facebook (The 2009 Euro live). Just to see how people would react to them. I do kinda miss the music and video combo, but with YouTube nowadays it's a lot harder due to copyright
We're tantalisingly close to releasing the info for the 2019 Lives (exciting, eh?)!

We're just tidying up a bit of stuff, and preparing some nifty graphics for the announcement, so keep your eyes peeled in the next couple of weeks!
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