With the talk of +1s; am I the only person on here who wouldn’t personally class these types of like-for-like retracks as a new credit? I get why people do, but I decided against it.
For me, the essence of the ride is still the same, so I’d keep it as the same credit. If there were significant layout changes or something materially different about the coaster post-refurb other than that the track’s been replaced, I would perhaps consider making it a new credit, but as it’s the same layout and the same “ride experience” in the same location and all, and by the same manufacturer, that keeps it the same credit for me.
And I’m not just saying that because I’ve never ridden a coaster that’s been fully retracked and wouldn’t stand to gain creds either way; I’ve ridden both Hulk V1 and Hulk V2, so technically, I would gain an extra cred if I counted like-for-like retracks, but I don’t, so I only have the one Hulk credit.