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Are you scared of flying?

I've made over 50 Trans-Atlantic flights and was four months old during the first one (not that I can remember it :lol: ). I was 13 years old when I flew alone for the first time (from Germany to the USA) and have probably been on over 300 flights during my lifetime so far, so no - it doesn't scare me in the slightest.
However, in 1972 we (my family) flew from London to Munich as the Olympic hostage siege was going on. After the stop in Munich the plane was continuing on to Israel, so the flight was under high alert with armed soldiers on the flight which was a bit concerning.
Nope, not even taking my first every flight (which was an 8 hour flight to Canada) on my own scared me in the slightest. I didn't even realise we'd taken off I was too busy relaxing.
Haven't flown since I was 8 and I was fine then. Now I'm 19 and we're flying to Cancun in 2 weeks. And I'm scared to death. Considering not going for just that reason.
^You're far more likely to be brutally murdered in Cancun than to be involved in a plane accident.
Scared as hell. I went on a plane to Hong Kong when I was 6 and was scared out of my mind and still am. Horrible. I don't think I'll ever travel outside the USA for that reason.
I've never been scared of flying. My first flight was around 10 months and I've flown pretty regularly since then. The only thing now is my legs are too long and it's uncomfortable. :(

But I still like taking off and looking out the window! :p
Nope. Never was. I just don't like that much anymore ever since my brutal trip to Indonesia last year. (It was great on e we got there, but during the travel time? Bleh :p ) It's not too comfortable and can be really annoying when some whiny little kid is Kicking your seat.
At one point yes, but I was also afraid of coasters too.

I'm always fascinated by man made things that challenge gravity, its what got me into engineering.