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Bad Experiences with Other Enthusiasts

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Just don’t share your opinions there, you’ll be banned by King Alvey!!
Wow, my post was over 5 years ago, but don't worry, I never ended up doing that.

I think most people are fully aware of the shenanigans TPR are up to, and who knows why lol. Many people have already made their points about them so it's probably not worth going into more detail. Better to move on and flourish on CF rather than complain about another forum.

For me, I fortunately have not had any bad experiences with other enthusiasts. I feel like you'd have to be quite some person to put me in an uncomfortable or pissy mood while I'm at a theme park.
TPR are a site full of self obsessed people who hate the thoughts and opinions of people who don’t see things the same way they do. Robb Alvey is the king child man of that pathetic site.
Just don’t share your opinions there, you’ll be banned by King Alvey!!
TPR are an example of what is wrong with a lot of today’s society. Self entitled whiners who feel they’re better than everyone else and think only their opinions or views matters and piss on everyone else. They also insult people like it was a national pastime especially their leader Robb Alvey. I was banned because I posted a question why did the coaster forum become a political site all of a sudden?! Robb was bashing the memory of a nice guy who was involved in dark rides. He bashed him because he wore a Trump hat. See Robb has no respect for other people’s views or political choices. If you’re not like Robb or kissing up to him you’re no use to him.
At least you're not bitter about it.
Wow, my post was over 5 years ago, but don't worry, I never ended up doing that.

I think most people are fully aware of the shenanigans TPR are up to, and who knows why lol. Many people have already made their points about them so it's probably not worth going into more detail. Better to move on and flourish on CF rather than complain about another forum.

For me, I fortunately have not had any bad experiences with other enthusiasts. I feel like you'd have to be quite some person to put me in an uncomfortable or pissy mood while I'm at a theme park.
I hear ya, I was just banned recently and came across this conversation recently while browsing. You’re right time to move on and enjoy a site where the people are friendlier.
He bashed him because he wore a Trump hat.

Never thought I’d say this but I agree with Robb on this one. I try not to judge conservatives (although c’mon guys just give up on that party already), but if you’re wearing a MAGA hat you’re supporting an insane racist, sexist, all the -ists and you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself
Yea Bill Clinton was a model President too wasn’t he?! Look I came here to get away from politics but apparently this will continue here.
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