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Best and worst names


Giga Poster
My worst is now The Swarm. Ugh.
Best would probably be Untamed, I love that, or Oblivion.
I like "The Swarm" so long as the supposed themeing and background story stays.

For me though, best is Raptor (Gardaland), worst is the english translation of "10 Inversion Roller Coaster" or whatever the blazes it is called.

Switching between the hideouts'...
No, it would sound weird for advertising purposes as just Swarm.

Come and be abducted by Swarm in this thrilling coaster featuring blah blah blah....

That sounds lame and like a grammatically incorrect moron wrote it.

According to the theme, we are at war with an alien race that we have dubbed "the swarm" because not all the aliens are of one single kind, and it isnt just one enemy warlord with an army. The name fits with the theme and probably the marketing scheme as well.

Also, that is still blatantly retarded sounding, so the name still stands as worst imo.

Switching between the hideouts'...
^Don't forget Wild Mouse

Here are some dumb names. Some wouldn't be that dumb if they weren't used a million times.
Goliath (What is a Goliath even)
Wild Mouse
Mantis (Who doesn't wanna ride a giant bug)
Wild Thing
Wild One
Lucy's Crabbie Cabbie
Big or Little Dipper
And the worst of all
Basically when you search on RCDB and you get "too many to matches for single page" you know its too much

And now on to the good names
American Eagle
Deja Vu
Kingda Ka
El Toro
XLR 8 (When you say it fast it sounds like Accelerate not sure why they gave an Arrow Suspended this name)
Disaster Transort (DISpatch mASTER TRANSPORT)
Magnum XL 200
Millennium Force
Top Thrill Dragster
Loch Ness Monster
Roller Soaker
Steel Dragon 2000
Fuwa Fuwa Osora No Dai-Bouken
David and the Goliath....small person triumphs the larger giant man....makes sense.

Switching between the hideouts'...
^^ Mantis was supposed to be Banshee aswell wasn't it? So I suppose that could be excused.

My two pet hates are Rita and Stealth, purely because I remember Project Rita, and the dissapointment when the name was announced, and then EXACTLY the same happening with Project Stealth. Gutted.
^CF doesn't use their heads with some names. In 2008 KD added Dominator. They told the GP that they weren't releasing a name because they were thinking of a creative name for it. The park went with Dominator the name it had at Geauga Lake

Best Name: Oblivion (sounds so menacing!)
Worst Name: Anything like Looping coaster, sounds like something made off RCT and named by default.
I really hate Intimidator/Intimidator 305. It's not a bad name, but why use essentially the same name for 2 coasters opening the same year?
Marketing love. ;)

I305 is actually unique and I love the way it rolls together.. Timmy is... Meh.
Apparently, cedar fair are taking a page from six flags' book, by ordering a few coasters a year to go to different parks and giving them the same name and themeing, even when the rides are different.

I think "The Swarm" could have been cool if it was instead called "The Flood" instead and was themed to Halo, but, that wont happen.
Re: Re: Best and worst names

Snoo said:
No park could ever do something that badass Grace. ;)

Ummm, just a quick correction...while I agree it would be badass, it would be quite expensive cause the people that own rights to it would make them spend an arm and a leg just to use the phrase "The Flood", and then the other arm for use of just regular Spartans and god forbid you ask to use Master Cheif. That alone would be your soul plus the first 4 born children you have. Then, you have to PRAY to god that they done **** up the ride layout, themeing, storyline or any of that or they would have an absolute riot on their hands due to the mass of halo fanatics being pissed.

So instead of just badass, you need to add nor afford it :3

Switching between the hideouts'...
Oh it would be worth it. Halo fanboys would be fapping all over a life size masterchief. Hell they could have had an entire area dedicated to halo, dark ride, coaster, simulator. Ok, now to stop being fanboy.

Sent from your mom's home
"The Swarm" could have been called Apocalyptica. No? The Swarm doesn't give any meaning of apocalypse. I believe the worst name for a ride is it's coaster type. For example. http://www.rcdb.com/1616.htm. The name is just the type of coaster. That's just lame. "Hey, wanna ride the Suspended Looping Coaster?". A lot of rides have really bad names.

Best name is probably Nemesis. It sounds pretty evil, dark and mysterious.
To everyone saying The Swarm, really? Sure it's not the best name ever but it's a lot better than Rita, Saw: The Ride, Th13teen or other rubbish which Merlin have come up with. Actually, I think it's pretty good, of course, not all the fanboys can be satisfied and it seems they've found another place to rant about it outside the topic anyway. :roll:

I can't believe nobody's mentioned Cheetah Hunt. The name itself sounds ridiculous but it sounds even worse when you compare it to the names of Busch's other coasters. "Oh what should we ride first? We have SheiKra, Gwazi, Kumba, Montu and Cheetah Hunt." I distinctly remember the backlash Busch got for the name from its fans (I hated it then myself) and even still, it hasn't grown on me.