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Best coaster throughput?


Giga Poster
I haven't seen it specifically mentioned anywhere before but does anybody know which coaster(s) out there has the highest throughput?

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Probably some of those Disney coasters. California Screamin sticks out... A single coaster capable of running 6 24 passenger trains...
Tron at Shanghai has seven full-length trains. Although I don't know if it's capable of running them all at the same time.

If you were to count Dragon Challenge / Dueling Dragons as a singular coaster unit. It had the highest capacity of any B&M
Depends on whether you're talking about theoretical throughput or actual throughput of course.

According to RCDB, Lisebergbanan can get 2000pph, which is the highest I've seen quoted. I could see it getting near that on full capacity too in fairness. Olympia Looping must get insane throughputs as well when all trains and cars are running.

No definitive answer, but a couple of creds to chuck in the mix.
Given Europa's flawless operations, Blue Fire must comfortably exceed 2000pph when all 5 trains are running.
RCDB says Gemini has a capacity of 3,300pph but I'm assuming that's when it ran 6 trains (3 on each track).
I made a recreation of Tron light cycle on No Limits with block sections and average station times all set up as accurate as i could. Worked out the theoretical throughput on it was like 2500 PPH.
Whenever this question has been asked over the years, I've seen Olympia Looping being mentioned the most often. In its high-capacity configuration it runs "several" trains (Wikipedia does not cite a number) carrying 28 people each. With a ride time of 1:45 - let's make that two minutes, for simplicity's sake - it translates into a capacity of 840 people per hour per train. Even with three trains running, it would mean a capacity well above 2000 pph.

Expedition Everest is also quite the crowd-eater. Dual loading platform, five trains, 36 riders per train, and a ride duration of 2:50. If we approximate that figure to say that five trains are dispatched in the time it takes the first train to complete the circuit, it means 180 riders are dispatched in three minutes. That gives a max capacity of 3600 pph, which admittedly is wildly optimistic. Wikipedia pegs it at 2050 pph, which still is pretty darn good.
So I watched a couple of YT videos of Olympia Looping at Hyde Park, at full capacity trains are dispatched at 35-40 second intervals. By my calculation that's 2880 riders/hour. I can't think of any single-track coaster with a higher throughput.

Now multiply 2880 by £9 a shot - theoretically at peak times they're bringing in 25k an hour (!!)
Some honourable mentions are Oblivion at Alton Towers (1,900pph), Lisebergbanan at Liseberg (2,000pph) and the Big Thunder Mountain coasters at the Disney parks all pull over 2,000pph.
I'm not sure of the highest, but high coasters I know of include Hulk at IOA (1920pph), Lisebergbanan at Liseberg (2000pph) and Blue Fire (easily 2000pph+).