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Big Brother 2010

I keep missing it due to actually having things to do now. Damn. Please everyone vote for Govan this week. And then HOPEFULLY Shabby the next. ****ing lesbian.
I had this on at work today...it was the least worst thing on...and I checked the iPlayer.

It is mindless tv, really dull and inspiring but I do have two observations.

1. Ben to win. Anybody who can get perform to a few hundred people in an audience and about three people watching on TV and proclaim their love for Margaret Thatcher deserves to win. After watching the others, he actually has personality! He's not a drone. Yes, he's posh and sickly but he's not an empty shell.

2. Why do I fancy the pants off Caoimhe? She ugly as ****! But she's really, really sexy. She's like a Shirley Manson sort of figure. She waves her lady parts in my face without actually waving them about....but she's ****ing hideous. There's something incredibly "je ne sais qua" about her. I'm not sure if it's her lips or maybe that glint in her eye...I want her to eat me alive. And then spit me out. :shock:
Ian said:
2. Why do I fancy the pants off Caoimhe? She ugly as ****! But she's really, really sexy. She's like a Shirley Manson sort of figure. She waves her lady parts in my face without actually waving them about....but she's ****ing hideous. There's something incredibly "je ne sais qua" about her. I'm not sure if it's her lips or maybe that glint in her eye...I want her to eat me alive. And then spit me out. :shock:

I know what you mean. The accent helps too.

Anyway, this series is garbage. I've always been one to watch BB, despite how poor it got over the past few years and they normally keep me watching, but this year I really can't be bothered.

Probably because there's noone attractive in there.
Haha this weeks task is ****ing awesome.

Also I can see where Marc is coming from with Mario now, he can't get Ben so hes being a proper petulent child around him instead... ****er.
Ian said:
1. Ben to win. Anybody who can get perform to a few hundred people in an audience and about three people watching on TV and proclaim their love for Margaret Thatcher deserves to win. After watching the others, he actually has personality! He's not a drone. Yes, he's posh and sickly but he's not an empty shell.

No. no. no. no. no.

He is a selfish, lazy, pompous, obnoxious, self-righteous snob! His only redeeming features is that his head-up-own-arse attitude means he comes out with some funny lines...

And yes Pierre. That Mario personality is starting to really come through now. It amuses me so much that he is always friendly when it comes to playing the night in shining armour!

I loved the Robot task also, was just a shame that Steve had already guessed about the new housemates when he saw the crane earlier in the day...
No no Mario is a complete idiot, none of you have seen the real Mario yet.

The reason why he split with his bf is because he cheated and used him, his bf found out and dumped him.

Last night he said he never buys drinks or pays to go in a club, well please tell me why he bought a round of drinks when I was at the Cliff with him lol.

I used to be friends with him until we had a row over him taking a mates credit card and phone and not telling him.
So I watched a bit of BB last night before some sportscar qualifying...

Does everyone hate John James? I think he's brilliant. There was a mega line last night, something along the lines of:

"You're not an angry person? Could have fooled me, you nearly blew the diary room door off!"

God there's some awful tattoos in that house too. A Nike swoosh on an arm, some tiny wings on someone's back and just a sh*tload on the guy with no legs.
As I may have previously mentioned in this topic, this is the first series since I started watching in series 5 that I actually haven't found myself watching it every night. In fact, I must've only watched 3 or 4 episodes in full since the opening?

But, I did watch the new housemates go in, and I have already had many comments said to me about how I look like the new nerdy guy :roll:

All I can really say is that I think that John James or whatever is a complete cock and is very manipulative, and not one bit funny. He can **** off back to Australia as far as I'm concerned, but due to his excessive good looks, he'll probably be in there for the long-term unless he is either racist or decides to leave.

I know she left ages ago, but I think Shabby would have brushed up quite well. The series may have caught my eye a bit better if they actually had at least one attractive female like every series, yet seen with the new housemates, I find myself feeling a bit "meh".

I may try and watch a few more episodes to see if it can stimulate my interest like it once did...
Right, even if people don't watch BB, you should all see this.

The BB house has been evacuated for the night and housemates moved to the task room for the night after a MASSIVE storm caused the house to flood epically bad.

See for yourself here:



The repair work will take a while, so they may be spending a while ion the task room...Or it could be an over night job :p

The live feeds have all been cut, so can't watch any of it at all. But tomorrow's BB should be a very, very interesting episode..

I will be watching tonight as usual.

Im praying that on Friday the four that go are Mario, Sam, John James and Dave/Steve... Bit much to hope for, but I hope all the same!
Call me a cynical bastard if you want, but I'm to believe that a major construction that has been standing for 10 years (I'm assuming they don't rebuild the entire thing each year) and probably has to satisfy stringent building regulations suddenly managed to flood in such a dramatic manner?

Despite it being it's last series, it's having the worst viewing ratings in it's lifetime (source: http://www.insidebigbrother.net/ratings.ibb). Now it's made the Top 10 news stories on the BBC web site.

This is a building that has to house contestants on a game show which is televised 24/7, I find it very difficult to believe that this could happen, even with a massive downpour, especially with all the electrical equipment that must be inside.

I agree Ian. I mean, although it is technically a set, it must at least be designed to withstand even the simplest and, let's be honest, marginally heaviest of showers.

But, now I see why they have always insisted on housemates not going onto the roof - it's paper thin!

As I was saying to Uncle Arly last night, the end of the series is this Tuesday, so they wouldn't have bothered doing much work at all for only a few days worth of living in it. However, on Tuesday, Ultimate Big Brother begins for two weeks. So, they have to spend a lot of money and time fixing the house up just for another 3 weeks of use, which is quite pointless.

Ah well, will be fun to watch tonight's episode - rumors are that it is extended to 1 hr 30 mins instead of the usual 60/70 mins...
Im very disapointed that Josie won, I liked her but I wanted either Dave or Corin to win. But I love Big brother whatever the circumstances, so no matter what !!!I'M BUZZIN'!!! :lol:
It's over?

I'm so happy, this was the best big brother ever! I never heard a single thing about it!
My interest in BB diminished at around BB8 where it all just went downhill. I didn’t bother watching series 9 or 10. I’ve only been watching this years series because it’s the final one and I was expecting the producers to pull something out of the bag and make it good – but no, it’s been awful and probably one of the worst ever BB series (and yes that does include the snooze-fest that was BB4). The only good things about this series were the Tree of Temptation, Titan the Robot, the Ignore the Obvious task and Sam Pepper (notice how only one of those is human).

The housemates were all boring and predictable. The tasks were crap. The only half decent housemates ended up walking or getting evicted. And BB were very biased this year toward certain housemates, letting some continually get away with rule breaking but punishing others severely for breaking the exact same rules…

When they put Sam Pepper in it livened up a bit but obviously this was short-lived as he was evicted after just three weeks. Yet funnily enough he did more and entertained us more in that short amount of time than any of the losers in there did the entire time they were in the house. What really got on my nerves about this series was the obvious voting fix – they always had it as a “vote to win” toward the end of every other series, but this time they changed the format to a “vote to evict” – a blatant fix to eliminate any of Josie’s competition (mainly Sam and Corin), since she was obviously their predetermined winner. A vote to evict favours the boring housemates as no one will want to bother picking up their phones and spending money on evicting a housemate that hasn’t done anything, whereas a more controversial housemate will be voted for instead. With a vote to win, as it has always been, the boring housemates will get booted out as everyone will be voting for the bigger characters to win. This is exactly why we were left with the most boring and ****tiest final line up EVER: JJ, Josie, Mario, Andrew and Dave….. wow what entertainment! But hey, it ensured Josie’s victory didn’t it? No wonder it’s getting axed and good riddance! I hate RTV

Sorry for the rant!