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Biggest Disappointment...

Out of interest, do Intamin’s Gyroswings (e.g. Maelstrom at Drayton or Loke at Liseberg) ride differently to Zamperla’s?

Yes, I normally don't care for Zamp rides (outside of like, the Power Surge?) but their giant/giga Frisbee is better than the Intamin (only done Mael) Huss (CP) and Mondial (Terra, CanWon, KD) I was shocked how good the cycle on the Kennywood Zamp was and SFNE's has always been really good too. I've ridden the SFOG one twice and had both good and poor cycles on it, GAdvs I did once and it was fine.... But man, those Mondial ones are garbage.
Blue Ice Cream Beer at Kings Island.

What a ****ing horrible idea.