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Blackpool Central Leisure Development- Announcement Imminent


Roller Poster
Hello all! First time on this forum. I've had a brief look through the forums and I don't believe anything has been posted about this yet so I thought it'd be worth sharing.

This Friday, 7 November, plans are going to be revealed for a new "world-class" attraction in Blackpool. All signs are pointing to it being a second theme park/similar development in the town.

Some background info...

The site is located in the centre of town, and was the location of the largest railway station ever to close in Europe in 1964. Since then it's been used as a very large car park and police headquarters, bordered by the SeaLife and Madame Tussaud's attractions to the west, the deprived Central Drive area to the east and the Town Centre to the north.

In the mid-2000s there was an ambitious proposal to build a Vegas-style "super casino" on the site with luxury hotels and retail developments. Unfortunately the bid was lost to Manchester but ended up being scrapped anyway. Since then Blackpool has seen (and is currently undergoing) a lot of regeneration including a new Promenade, an upgraded and extended tram system, new conference centre and high-quality hotels.

A few years back, Blackpool Council put out a document asking for pitches for a new leisure development on the site. Several council employees flew out to the US and signed an exclusively agreement with an American operator. Since then there's been a lot of secrecy and occasionally articles in the press promising world-class attractions that were "firsts for the UK".

It's just been announced that all will be revealed this Friday morning. Interesting to know your thoughts on this. As a local I'm very excited about what it could be.
Seeing as the existing theme park there isn't exactly Disneyland at the moment, I can't really see there being a market for another one.
Hmm, interesting. Do you happen to have a source on this? I don't doubt you, but having a link/article/something to refer to would be nice.

As for what it could be, I could see a Mall of America/American Dream-style mall complex here with a few indoor attractions. I don't think the UK has a proper indoor park yet. Although, as @elephant58 said, I'm not entirely sure if the area is ready for yet another park. Time shall tell!
Sources (sorry should have included some!):

Council paper discussing the site and release of details: http://democracy.blackpool.gov.uk/documents/s41455/Item 7 Blackpool Central.pdf

Announcement of reveal date:
"Blackpool Amusement Park Moves a Step Closer" https://www.coinslot.co.uk/2018/07/06/blackpool-amusement-park-step-closer/

"Blackpool's Central Station Site Deal on the Brink" https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/blackpool-s-central-station-site-deal-on-the-brink-1-9224238
This is very interesting, just had a look on google maps and the area doesn't seem that massive. A large arcade with attractions could be a thing, seems fairly similar in size to Coral Island? (unless I'm looking at the wrong location)

Intrigued to see what's revealed on Friday.
This is very interesting, just had a look on google maps and the area doesn't seem that massive. A large arcade with attractions could be a thing, seems fairly similar in size to Coral Island? (unless I'm looking at the wrong location)

Intrigued to see what's revealed on Friday.
It isn't a huge site. However from what I have heard there will be lots of different phases. There is certainly land that could be expanded with the demolition of derelict buildings in the area.
The area inland is a bit slummy...ripe for compulsory purchase.
Meant to be indoor, there used to be a small indoor fun fair on the prom through the seventies.
Hope this gives me a local winter coaster fix.
Hmm, I'm not sure Blackpool needs more building at the moment - especially if they lose a car park in the process. But my guess would be fancy coin-op arcade with an IMAX screen.
Hmm, I'm not sure Blackpool needs more building at the moment - especially if they lose a car park in the process. But my guess would be fancy coin-op arcade with an IMAX screen.
An IMAX is already being built at a shopping centre in town. Would have thought it'd be a bit more ambitious than an arcade.
Presumably this is genuine??

Some interesting looking concept arts...:confused:


Blackpool Central Station
Greenbank Partnerships
This scheme is on a strategic site on the promenade frontage, between the South Pier and the Pleasure Beach; with the famous Blackpool Tower less than 100 metres away. It redevelops and masterplans the former site of Blackpool’s central rail station, now occupied by a police station, law courts, a surface car park and leisure. Its location provides an important interface between the town and the promenade, and also the opportunity to incorporate extensive leisure facilities. New public squares, ‘agora’s’, act as the gathering and social spaces for the retail and leisure facilities and incorporate food and entertainment courts. Naturally-lit they also have leisure bi-omes that float above them, completing a contemporary and dynamic new urban form that is merged with the historic. A 2,000 space multi-storey car park is also embedded within the scheme.
They have got something wrong here!
They've gotten other stuff wrong as well. It's neither that or on the promenade as SeaLife, Madame Tussauds and a few arcades stand between the site and the Golden Mile so god knows what's going on there.
An IMAX is already being built at a shopping centre in town.
Well, technically, they're not. And is that development actually going ahead?
Would have thought it'd be a bit more ambitious than an arcade.
Was being a bit facetious, but was actually thinking of a multi-use leisure mall, with slot machines in one area, SeaLife in another, a bowling alley, Lego Discovery Centre?, bars, etc - which is what those plans appear to be.
They've gotten other stuff wrong as well. It's neither that or on the promenade as SeaLife, Madame Tussauds and a few arcades stand between the site and the Golden Mile so god knows what's going on there.
The artwork is clearly on the Prom - this building replaces the SeaLife and Madame Tussauds one. And from the North East corner it is just about 100m to the Blackpool Tower building. The only thing I can see wrong is they've put "South" instead of "North" for the pier.
According to a twitter post by one of the local paper reporters it is a UK first. The info is embargoed till 7am Friday morning. The paper are running a 5page article on what ever it is.
From an old document (2011) I've found on the council websites show that the area includes the stuff currently on the Prom.
I like the idea of flying theatres popping up in non theme park environments. It will be nice to have another attraction in Blackpool to pad out a Pleasure Beach weekend.
Well, whoopee s**t. A flying theatre for 2022 at the earliest.