Notably, it also appears to exit the stall at a lower height than it enters it.Apparently there was a quick teaser shown on the park's Facebook page showcasing the ride absolutely tearing through a top gun stall:
This teaser also sheds a bit more light on other lesser known areas of the layout thus far. I'm excited to find out more!
Could there possibly be a 3rd inversion hidden elsewhere in the layout? If so, I'd very much expect it to be a zero-g roll, as that seems like the only logical choice.If I had my PC, I'd be all over this with putting up a POV for y'all?
Notable new layout findings:
-First element is very similar to Zadra's, with the large left-banked upwards turn, with a right-hand tip-out on the exit.
-After the reverse bank thing beside the station, we have a small hill into a wave turn. Sweet.
-A stall!! Doesn't look all that interesting tbh, I just wanna see the slap that results from it.
-After that, yada yada a couple airtime hills.
Glad that there's more airtime moments than I put in my original concept video, but kind of surprised that there's only 2 inversions.
On the right of the below screenshot you can see the massive outward banked turn that will come straight after the first drop. It also appears that the first (beyond vertical) drop will bank to the right a little at the bottom as opposed to being a perfectly straight drop like on Steel Vengeance.
View attachment 5904
Apologies for the low quality of the next one but you can see that after the outward banked wave turn (not sure what its technical name is) that dives under the lift hill there is a low to the ground airtime hill, followed by some sort of banked turn that then leads into the inverted stall which we have seen in the POV teaser today.
(Upon closer inspection it seems the banked turn that I talked about after the small airtime hill may actually be a wave turn a la Outlaw Run. It looks that way at least.)
View attachment 5905
That outer-banked turn doesn't look like an full outer-bank, it looks like an inversion. More specifically, a modified double-inverting corner stall (like on Untamed). This coaster is gonna be nuts.
So that makes four inversions (unless I'm wrong about the stall), plus a possible fifth right before the wave turn over the station (construction photos and teasers got me confused on this element).
I’ll put 100 slaps on it.There is no way those ledgers are inward banked.
I’ll put 100 slaps on it.
Think this is my favourite colour on an RMC yet....Here we have it - TRACK!!
Source: Midway Mayhem Facebook