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Busch Gardens Williamsburg | Pantheon | Intamin LSM Coaster | 2022

Yawn, there are other LSM coasters out there. Also, the hell is with the spike, who cares? Can’t any of the Busch parks be original anymore? Should have just gone with a B&M or maybe even a full size GCI.
An intimin blitz using a switch track system that's never been used on a thrill coaster and elements copied out the RMC designers manual never used by intamin....? Nah not unique at all I would rather have a cloned layout Maura wild mouse thanks :rolleyes:

Also @KIFan 90 percent of your posts that arnt hyping up Orion are bashing the latest BG investments
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Not my fault Busch went the cheap, lazy route and added RMCs and Intamins instead of adding B&Ms. At least SWSD knows what they are doing!
?? You recognize the irony of defending Orion and B&Ms with 95% of your posts as “unique”, to then accuse Pantheon, a roller coaster with a hands down unique layout and element variety. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone indeed.

Let’s just cool it on the bashing and stirring the pot to get a rise out of folks for the time being, yeah?
Half our topics are spiralling out of control because of this, just ignore him/her!
Exactly... And it’s pretty friggin obvious that it’s not a real persona, it’s a spoof account set up to act like the ‘stereotypical KI fanboy’ to cure someone’s boredom during closed season. So for the love of airtime, can we just ignore, ban or burn him at the stake now sacrifice him to the wickerman now!
Exactly... And it’s pretty friggin obvious that it’s not a real persona, it’s a spoof account set up to act like the ‘stereotypical KI fanboy’ to cure someone’s boredom during closed season. So for the love of airtime, can we just ignore, ban or burn him at the stake now sacrifice him to the wickerman now!
No this is how KI fans really are

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So I successfully convinced Mrs. Nitefly that we should visit - yey!

Will there be a quick queue for this ride? I know that some parks exclude their new rides in the opening years said said new rides.
They will probably put some more in.

I could get into a whole discussion about the number of trees chopped down to build other stuff you need and/or enjoy.
I could get into a whole discussion about the number of trees chopped down to build other stuff you need and/or enjoy.
With the reference to ‘other stuff’ I presume you mean manufacturing rather than construction, which is not really relevant to what he posted (which concerned the aesthetics of the area in question) and, in any case, chopping down trees for anything else has no bearing whatsoever on it being ‘a shame’ that trees must be chopped down for construction like this (which he acknowledged was inevitable).

Apologies for being such a nitpicker in a thread about roller coasters - evidently I am explosively compelled to express how moot your point is. Which is ironic / hypocritical as this post (i.e. my post) is indeed very moot and evidences the need for every chump to (needlessly) have a say on everything.

But... are we all in agreement that we should have a tree subforum on here so we can thrash out the ‘debate’ in a bombastic fashion to the Nth degree? I, for one, am ready.
How is that outerbank even real? Back in 2013 Outlaw Run’s wave turn blew my mind. Just blew me away. Now? This stuff is becoming a typical element on coasters. It’s sick and I love it