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Canada's Wonderland |"Leviathan"| B&M HyperGiga

UC said:
I don't want to eat my own words here, but I can't imagine slamming in to water at 92 mph is good for the long life of the train.

I'm with you on this. No matter how strong, tough, solid, the metal compartments of the splash element may be, it won't stand hard against a wall of water at that speed.
Yeah, IF it had a splash thing, IF, not that I think it will, I imagine it would be one of the "fake" ones like on Manta or Raptor.

But, I can't see them bothering with anything. They obviously hadn't thought about it when they put the "land monster" next to the lake and the "water monster" next to the car park.
Ben said:
They obviously hadn't thought about it when they put the "land monster" next to the lake and the "water monster" next to the car park.
Very well put! Haha.

I hadn't put too much thought into the location of any possible effects, I just mentioned the bottom of the first drop because it dips to around ground level. Krake is a working example of the splashdown straight off the first drop, I know its not as tall or fast but then again Leviathans trains are bound to be heavier which would surely make less work of it.
^ B&M Splashdowns are built for Aesthetic purposes more so than actual braking - The splashdown does not cause a real drop in speed, as it only syphons off a small portion of water.
^^ I'd say that depends on the size of the fin and how much time it spends in the water, which wouldn't be long in this case since the track pulls straight back up into the banked corner. It would just create a quick jet of water as it skims the surface.

I'm doubtful about how much of spectacle it would be (and whether the park will bother installing it) but due to the fact that it would effectivly be in the car park, you would only need an effect to last for as long as riders will have it in their view which in this case will be barely a second
^I'm sure you're right, but it will be another missed opportunity to add something new to the experience. You've been saying for months that the coaster is being built in the wrong park since they already have Behemoth, I'm not saying that adding effects makes it a better choice of ride, but I hoped there would be something more than a few banked turns and a taller drop to set the two coasters apart.
LOL who the heck brought this up? That'd be a brilliant way to slow down the pacing of the ENTIRE coaster and would probably be a bit unsafe :p .
As Hyde244 said earlier a splashdown isn't designed to kill off speed. If krake can skim water at 65mph for around 30ft, i don't see why Leviathan couldn't touch down for a second. It wouldn't be dangerous because the spray would be angled away from the train, plus all you have to do is lower the angle of the fin slightly to reduce resistance if your worried about speed loss or wear.

I already said I doubt it will happen, but it's not impossible and I don't see why it's so unrealistic.

^Oh well, if the rides going to be a different colour I guess it doesn't matter whether it does anything different or not. :wink:
I hate this 'they allready have one they cant have another' attitude, why not? Give one good, valid reason why we should brush this off as 'just another hypercoaster.' I look at it as one of the elite, rare coasters that go over 300ft, and as one from an engineering background I appreciate how hard that is, the chain is the longest and heaviest in the world, I appreciate the problems that arise when physically trying to build it. So people cant just step back and see it as just another, they have one allready, it is a milestone for B&M and the park. Appreciate it as such.
It would be doable I guess, but UTTERLY pointless. You wouldn't see it.

And they can skim off a fair bit of speed, on the Dive Machines you can feel it brakeing so...

Also, if you are Oblivion's biggest fan guy with the grammatically train-wrecked username, you should follow suit of your obsession and drop into a hole <3
^^ Nobodys saying that the coaster isn't difficult to build or impressive from an engineering perspective, but that's not the reason that people ride coasters. Don't get me wrong, I love a 300ft drop and I can't blame any park for wanting to install one, but looking at CW's existing rides I think a good B&M invert/Flyer or a quality launching coaster would have gone further in bringing a new experience to the park.

^ Most of the riders would see it if the fins were mounted at the front like on the plans I linked earlier.

RE the speed loss, I don't remember noticing it on Krake or Diamondback, but I havn't been on Griffon or any of the Sheikra clones yet.
As much as a splash down would be cool, I can't see it happening. If it were to go anywhere on the ride it would be on the bottom of the last airtime hill before the brake run. Now that i think about it, having it at the bottom of the first drop would kill the rest of the ride. As for the comment about it not reducing speed, on Dive Machines; I noticed on Skeikra that the speed does drop significantly.
^ Fair enough, I didn't think a splashdown would take much speed away, but if it would then I agree that it's the worst thing they could do. That being said doesn't rule out any timed fountain effect like that on Manta. It would be almost as effective without affecting performance at all, but then you go back to the fact that most of the layout is outside the park so it's probably not worth the effort to create a spectacle.
Also, a splashdown in a parking lot would probably be a bit retarded. I could understand if it was in like, a nice part of the park, but I can't see them doing that ESPECIALLY for the location it's in.
Well put UC :lol:

Though I disagree with this:

UC said:
That said, I'm aware that there's generally a lack of anything else interesting about this ride, so feel free to speculate - just be aware you're wrong.

I think the ride is looking great and I'm excited to see the station theming go up. I know it probably not a lot but it will help restore the haphazardly themed medieval area of the park.
^ How is the station meant to be themed? Medieval? And there's virtually nothing medieval about that part of the park other than the little dragon thingy and the castle that has had nothing in it every time I've been there. :p