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Canada's Wonderland | Yukon Striker | B&M Dive Coaster

But that's what we do though when we visit new parks, right, especially for a park like CW? Sure, of course I'd want to try to enjoy the park, focus on the B&Ms, and maybe chill out for a bit. But when CW is one of the park's with the most coasters in the world (YS will be the 17th!) with a lackluster supporting lineup, I imagine it will be a pain trying to get through all that, and that's not even considering the flat rides. It'll also depend on operations and overall feel of the place as well.
This is exactly it. I visited last summer for the first time, and outside of Behemoth, Leviathan and Vortex, the rest of the line up is so forgettable. The park itself is pleasant enough, and there's not much utter ****e (Volare aside), but it's not got that much going for it.

It was actually a chore, once you add the flat rides to the mix. And actually on that note, it's flat rides aren't that great. Sledgehammer looks pretty cool, but it's hardly the most fun ride, and what else is there that isn't much better in other places? Windseeker? Air Race? Lumberjack? Nah mate, still all bog standard stuff.

Yukon Striker is desperately needed, but they really need a few other good coasters that aren't B&M. Would love to see a Copperhead Strike type ride go in there and round it out a bit.
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This is exactly it. I visited last summer for the first time, and outside of Behemoth, Leviathan and Vortex, the rest of the line up is so forgettable. The park itself is pleasant enough, and there's not much utter :emoji_poop:e (Volare aside), but it's not got that much going for it.

It was actually a chore, once you add the flat rides to the mix. And actually on that note, it's flat rides aren't that great. Sledgehammer looks pretty cool, but it's hardly the most fun ride, and what else is there that isn't much better in other places? Windseeker? Air Race? Lumberjack? Nah mate, still all bog standard stuff.

Yukon Striker is desperately needed, but they really need a few other good coasters that aren't B&M. Would love to see a Copperhead Strike type ride go in there and round it out a bit.

This. The other thing to remember is CW is ALWAYS packed If I recall its the highest attended Cedar Fair park in the chain (feel free to correct me if I'm mis-remembering). While Yukon striker is a fine addition to the park, what they really would've loved is another mid-strong coaster with very high capacity. This is half of that. It's by no means a horrible addition it's just also not the best addition they could've had especially given how massive the plot of land they're using is.
This. The other thing to remember is CW is ALWAYS packed If I recall its the highest attended Cedar Fair park in the chain (feel free to correct me if I'm mis-remembering). While Yukon striker is a fine addition to the park, what they really would've loved is another mid-strong coaster with very high capacity. This is half of that. It's by no means a horrible addition it's just also not the best addition they could've had especially given how massive the plot of land they're using is.
Not trying to be rude, but Cw is the highest seasonal park attendance in Cedar Fair, but KBF has the highest overall.
Not trying to be rude, but Cw is the highest seasonal park attendance in Cedar Fair, but KBF has the highest overall.
The point still stands though. Now I didn't know how crowded CW typically gets but I guess its not surprising.

As for the capacity, dive machines aren't exactly the worst at it. This will hold 24 riders (8 per row right?), and if they get three trains running and solid operations it should pump through the people in the queue. It'll be crowded this year but once they get time to figure it out the queues will be better down the line. If anything, they wisely avoided a low capacity, mid-tier ride, like a Premier or Gerstlauer.

Clearly, their main priority was to get a quality ride to attract a lot of people. Other options that fall in that category include a Mack launcher, RMC, a woodie, or some other B&M (and maybe others but I can't think of any atm that they'd consider). They already have a few woodies, so a big GCI wouldn't stand out. If they got something like a Mack launcher or an RMC, the capacity wouldn't be much different (20 for Mack, 24 for RMC). As for a different B&M, I think a wingrider would be the only other sensible option (higher capacity too).

So of those options, I think we can agree that dive machines are the greater draw for the GP. The park was probably itching to get one for years anyway, especially with the interaction with Vortex.
If Canada's Wonderland was located in a warmer climate and could operate year round like Knott's, their overall attendance numbers would likely increase by nearly 100%. It's impressive that they pull as many guests as they do in their six month operating calendar - the park is almost always packed.
If Canada's Wonderland was located in a warmer climate and could operate year round like Knott's, their overall attendance numbers would likely increase by nearly 100%. It's impressive that they pull as many guests as they do in their six month operating calendar - the park is almost always packed.
Well I mean what are your choices though? There is Six Flags La Garbage, and that mall out west.
Well I mean what are your choices though? There is Six Flags La Garbage, and that mall out west.
Darien Lake, Seabreeze, Niagara Falls, Cedar Point, and Kennywood are all a shorter drive than La Ronde and all except maybe Kennywood are desirable destinations for Torontonians. Keep in mind that Canada's Wonderland is considered a flagship park despite its geographical proximity to Cedar Point, and that the greater Toronto area has a population of almost seven million. I know some folks from Toronto who have make the trek to Cedar Point so there is definitely some variety in nearby amusement parks, but the main reason behind the park's attendance is that it serves an enormous market that's steadily growing.
Darien Lake, Seabreeze, Niagara Falls, Cedar Point, and Kennywood are all a shorter drive than La Ronde and all except maybe Kennywood are desirable destinations for Torontonians. Keep in mind that Canada's Wonderland is considered a flagship park despite its geographical proximity to Cedar Point, and that the greater Toronto area has a population of almost seven million. I know some folks from Toronto who have make the trek to Cedar Point so there is definitely some variety in nearby amusement parks, but the main reason behind the park's attendance is that it serves an enormous market that's steadily growing.

To piggy back on this a little bit, I also know a ton of Torontonians who take weekends down to Darien Lake and stay at the hotel/campground and that's something they'd MUCH rather do then go to Canada's Wonderland because the park is so incredibly crowded all the time, Even the locals know it.
To piggy back on this a little bit, I also know a ton of Torontonians who take weekends down to Darien Lake and stay at the hotel/campground and that's something they'd MUCH rather do then go to Canada's Wonderland because the park is so incredibly crowded all the time, Even the locals know it.
I mean look at it like this, Wonder Mountain is not high capacity. Neither is Time Warp, Backlot Stunt Coaster, Bat or the other ones. So in a non ride sense it's a winner for this crowded park!
Back on topic PLEASE.


I thought this was Yukon Striker discussion, not a "which ride is best" thread!

Everything's good here. Just like snow banks in the dead of winter - coaster construction discussions drifts when there isn't much actual progress to report and discuss. :)
I had a similar feeling when I visited Carowinds. Outside the Big 3 and Nighthawk (controversial opinion, I know), there was just a lot of crap to get through. I still ended up having a decent time but getting all the creds was starting to get a bit cumbersome. I imagine this would be worse for CW. At least other stuff like CP and KI have good supporting creds to break up all the +1-and-done's.
I agree with this a lot. Even with Carowinds as my current homepark, I have admitted many times that outside of Fury & Afterburn (Maybe Vortex and Flying Cobras too, I actually like those rides) every other coaster in the park does not warrant a re-ride for me. Whereas at Kings Island, outside of the big 4 (Beast, Diamondback, Mystic Timbers, Banshee— in that exact order for me, in terms of favorites) you still have Flight of Fear, Backlot Stunt Coaster, Racer, and Bat. You only have two awful coasters (Firehawk, good riddance it’s gone; and Vortex, which is a larger version of Carolina Cyclone), as opposed to Carowinds (Carolina Cyclone, Nighthawk, Hurler, Carolina Thighcrusher, Ricochet).
As somewhat of a timelapse photographer myself, that was really rather enjoyable to watch. I appreciate the effort, rather than a ****ty webcam timelapse like you normally see.

Plus, holy hell it's huge!
All the "modern B&M looks weird" stuff aside, it's so nice to see that there are still manufacturers out there who take pride in visually appealing supporting.