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Carowinds | Fury 325 | B&M Giga Coaster

Doesn't matter, not going to Euro park so it's vile American trash. Ughhhhhhhh <<<<<<<//////3

Oh my gosh it looks like ****.

So. ****. Slow. Dismantle it right now!

So confused, pretty much all but maybe two or three people have said it looks great (hopefully Marc's comment was sarcasm). And I'm also sure that the majority of members are more mature than to pass judgment on a coaster based on where it's located. Kind of a stupid comment.

As for the people who said it looks slow, I'm not sure where that's coming from. It doesn't look like it whips through the second half of the layout like it does the first half, but it's not really crawling, either. Can't really decide what I think of it. I guess I'll figure it out in June when I get to ride it ;) .
^NO! You're wrong because I said so!

Taylor; I most definitely am being sarcastic as hell. I did mention earlier that the ride looked pretty darn fast in its inaugural test run and it's getting faster and faster every day - my positive opinion of the ride still stands.

Cedar Point's Tony Clark is down at Carowinds for its opening. His opinion of Fury: "Oh. My. God!!!"
I mean that's what happens when a company pays you, right? They have the rights to put a dingaling in your arse? Or is that prostitution? ;)
Cedar Fair usually taps their PR folks to congregate and help out for new roller coaster launches - I fondly recall Don Helbig being friendly heckled over Banshee during the Gatekeeper Media Day.

Jerry will be down this Wednesday - looking forward to even more coverage of the coaster!
Oh okay, glad it was sarcasm, haha. I was like, are we watching the same video? :p

Can't wait to hear people's opinion of this thing. Leviathan is pretty awesome, and this looks like a WAY better version, so I can imagine it'll be quite awesome.
The ridercam video of Jerry really shows the ridiculous height of it. Speed looks good, layout still does nothing for me though, takes a minute until it does anything interesting.
I have to consider this the best 2015 roller coaster introduction for its ride, with Baron 1898 ranking second. It's great that B&M went outside their comfort zone post-Stengel and made something that's quite intense.

I am unable to post the front seat POV though.
Here are the other two POVs for those of you that haven't seen them. I still think it does a good job with the pacing throughout. The first few turns actually look like a lot of fun IMO, it looks like you get a bit of wild floater as the train makes the sudden banks and transitions. The only place where it didn't seem incredibly exciting was that big helix toward to end. Other than that one little moment in the ride it looks fantastic.

