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Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL added!)


Roller Poster
Ive uploaded these pictures to my Picasa account simply because theres so many now. I started showing these over at TPR and Coastercrazy by uploading the pics into the thread itself but seeing as though theres well over 100 pictures now, that would require me sitting here for quite some time.

Or, I can give you this link and you guys can check em out and comment here or there!


If you want to see the images in HIGH RES, simply click on the magnifying glass with the plus sign. Then you can zoom using the tool on the bottom right. Picasa is awesome like that.

Heres a few examples:






Let me know what you think!
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery

Epic pictures! Mind if we use a few for the CF banner on the top of the page? Epic quality. GJ. :D
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery

I dont mind. If you need a larger res, I can provide that. Standard is something over 3000x whatever.

Thanks! I got a new lens this year and it really is quite spectacular. I think my end goal is possibly to get parks to use my pictures for promos, posters, etc. I know I could never sell them since they already own the rights but hey, its a stepping stone right?

Just some coaster noob with some nice equipment and some photography courses. :p
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery

To be honest with you. Looking at your photos, don't waste money on the Photography Courses. You're already amazing! The pictures are fantastic!
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery

I already took one, that's what I meant to say. And really I only took a Black and White Film course but it did help me to understand Photoshop (as odd as that sounds...but I've been in PS since PS4) a lot more working in a dark room. I work mostly out of Adobe Lightroom now. No sense working in PS when LR has everything I need and more.
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery


You know, I wonder if RCDB would be interested in using some high resolution pictures like these to replace the older pictures they have of some rides. Don't know why that thought came to me, but it did.
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery

ADDED BUNCH OF NEW PHOTOS! These are OLD photos, but worthy of being in the Gallery. Parks included:

Hershey Park, Islands of Adventure and Geauga Lake. Again, only select photos so some rides missing, some only a few photos, etc. Just how I do it. I don't like to upload mediocre stuff for sake of having a picture.



I have certainly thought about submitting my stuff to Dwayne, and maybe in time. I would like to have my name or something to draw people back to look at my other stuff as well. Selfish? Yea, it is. I am trying to improve my game though to a point where maybe parks would use my stuff for their marketing/pr/whatever.

But once I have my stuff all organized and done, I may select some for him to use. That's typically how it works I believe.
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL add

^You can have your name added but it just kinda looks like this:


And thank you again! I'll add them when the shower be done. ;)
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL add

Just added a bunch more Magnum, a few Gemini, Corkscrew and MF tonight.
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL add

Added a few more up top. Remember.. We dont really use duplicates so the more unique the better :)
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL add

Great eye Snoo. Some of those pics I wouldnt think would look so great but the choices I saw, some of them, surprised me.
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL add

I'm also using one of for those 'On top of CF' for one of your pictures. It will be a few days tho.. kinda occupied. :p
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL add

I dont even know what youre talking about, lol. Havent been here long enough!
Re: Cedar Point - 2011 - Ongoing Gallery (IOA, HP and GL add

Some banner images have the coaster on top of the COASTERFORCE logo up there.. I was working on a Hulk one but I got aggravated and stopped.. lol.

Welcome to the fun though. Seem like a very good guy. Hope you stay for a while. :D