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Cedar Point | "GateKeeper" | B&M Wingrider

Would it be pendantic of me to point out that the keyholes aren't the supports in themselves, but most likely they contain the supports? I bet there is a full-fledged traditional coaster support hidden beneath all that steel, along with some smaller beams to keep the steel itself up. The support structure of the key holes themselves wouldn't be enough to handle the forces of the train, unless built to extreme redundancy.
I recall somebody writing that the keyhole towers had been designed by B&M themeselves. Perhaps they have found a way to make those structures strong enough to support the coaster track and the forces generated by the train while avoiding extra supporting.
Shouldn't be all that hard to support the track with the keyholes. It's mostly a vertical force in that section of track. Sure there's the inline twist / zero-G roll, but it's still primarily supporting the track and train against gravity, unlike a helix or overbanked turn.
I go away for a week and come back and they're a large debate about Keyholes...

I'm glad to see nothing has changed.

On Topic, Looks fun.

So do you think 2 days will be enough to get to all the coasters and some more than once or should i plan on 3?
Re: Cedar Point | "Gatekeeper" | B&M Wingrider

oriolat2 said:
I recall somebody writing that the keyhole towers had been designed by B&M themeselves. Perhaps they have found a way to make those structures strong enough to support the coaster track and the forces generated by the train while avoiding extra supporting.

Twas me. 20ft concrete base and then 80ft of steel. Those are the supports.
Youngster Joey said:
I go away for a week and come back and they're a large debate about Keyholes...

I'm glad to see nothing has changed.

On Topic, Looks fun.

So do you think 2 days will be enough to get to all the coasters and some more than once or should i plan on 3?
How about this. I was there for around 8 hours the first day and only got on four (MF, TTD, Magnum [15 min wait], and Maverick). The rest shouldn't take too much longer although I'm sure Gatekeeper will have absurdly long wait times most of the season. So yeah, two days should be enough...all depends on how well you plan (including lockers etc.) and what all you want to ride/reride.

As for the ride, I'm really looking forward to the front gate element. I expect it to be quite impressive and hopefully intimidating (for the GP at least ;))
Youngster Joey said:
So do you think 2 days will be enough to get to all the coasters and some more than once or should i plan on 3?

Depending on when you go, you can probably manage it in 2, though as has been said, wait times for Gatekeeper are sure to be massive.
Youngster Joey said:
I go away for a week and come back and they're a large debate about Keyholes...

I'm glad to see nothing has changed.

On Topic, Looks fun.

So do you think 2 days will be enough to get to all the coasters and some more than once or should i plan on 3?

If you are going around the middle/end of may or the beginning to middle of june 2 days will be plenty. Just go during the middle of the week. The park has light crowds through those 2 months. After that, it is just pure luck to get in all the coasters... plus re-rides... in 2 days... on any given day.
Cedar Point is easily do-able in two days, if not one. It is just a matter of time management and proper planning.

The next time I am visiting Cedar Point, I'll be sure to ask about the design of the keyhole towers. I would imagine B&M advanced it as a do-able feature for the Wing Rider (as we see with Swarm, X-Flight, and Raptor), which was further pursued by Cedar Point for implementation. The parks dictate what is built, but heavily considers input from the coaster manufacturer.
Since it's been a few days, here's a photo or two or three to hold you over until the web cams have a bit more to show. :wink:




From Gatekeeper's facebook page.
^^Yay! All shiny and nice before it gets all the paint worn off from testing ;-) It's so pristine...except that buffed part...I suppose that's acceptable :p
there is literally no color more stunning then that blue!! at least in my opinion.
Good lord, its just so pretty.
I cannot wait to ride this!!
I have no knowledge of physics, but at a guess when proceeding through that element, you will have low velocity. Which means you'll experience being held upside down longer than you normally do when going through an inverting element during the run. You will also be more effected by gravity since you don't have any other forces preventing rushing of blood to the head.
I think having less of an invert is more comfortable whilst providing a high amount of thrill. That seems to be what B&M try to achieve. Comfort without being at the expense of thrill.
elephant58 said:
Has anyone else noticed that on Swarm the dive drop seems to invert fully whethers on this and X-Flight, they don't?
I've noticed. Also interesting that Swarm is the only one so far to twist counter-clockwise on the first drop. I'm not sure of the significance but it certainly is purposeful.
Re: Cedar Point | "Gatekeeper" | B&M Wingrider

Technically this inverts like Swarm, just in the opposite direction. The only Wing Coaster with the dive start, to not look a full inversion is X-Flight.
reddude333 said:
I've noticed. Also interesting that Swarm is the only one so far to twist counter-clockwise on the first drop. I'm not sure of the significance but it certainly is purposeful.

Really though? I don't see any hidden meaning in the direction of a roll...
In similar fashion, Xcelerator, the first Intamin Accelerator, is the only to enter a Top Hat from the left instead of the right.

Is it something to read into? Nope. It was just the design that best fit the area at the given time.