I think it's quite a tough choice, but I also don't think any park says "build me a mediocre ride" or "build me a safe low maintenance ride", or "build me an intense ride" - they say "build me a ride".
Look at the Six Flags Intamin rides. You have the fantastic Bizarro and Goliath (in Holland, built by Six Flags) - yet the dire Superman at Six Flags America. Did Six Flags say "we'll have three of your Hypers, but make two of them really intense and fantastic, but the other one dull and easier on the maintenance schedule - we don't want it to cost too much and over shadow Superman at SFNE!"? No - the ride just turned out a turd, because sometimes they do.
Ride creation isn't an exact science. The manufacturers and designers are limited by their own technology, the land area the park has reserved, budgets and any environmental factors they must take into consideration.
If Maverick was to have been built in a parking lot of infinite size, it would have turned out a very different beast (perhaps more like the underwhelming Cheetah Hunt). Limitations can make or break a coaster. I've also said it before, but there isn't a single person on earth who would ride Baco and say "that kind of ride is a good investment for my park". Yes, the ride is intense, but it's also deeply unpleasant for most riders. It's not a ride type a park would take a risk on - if they did, they WOULD say "make it much less intense" and then you'd end up with a Ride of Steel version of Baco - just as neutered as the wing riders are in terms of intensity. The proof of this lies quite simply in the B&M Wing Rider order book compared to Intamin's.
On top of that... The wing riders aren't strong coasters, but that's not the point of them, there's more to a coaster than just hammering you with the most extreme forces ever. Like the flying coasters, they're at their best when they're NOT intense (IMO). They're incredibly popular ride types (for riders), they CAN be intense, but most of all - they fit the needs of the parks in the best way they can.
GateKeeper looks superb. It's a wonderful aesthetic and it gets you excited for the park and rides. It's like viewing PMBO from the motorway leading into Blackpool, or Silver Star on the roads to Rust - you see this fantastic, huge, iconic structure sitting there and your pulse starts to race. It would be great if every ride could be hugely intense, but what about people who want to just enjoy a ride?
I love The Swarm because "it's fun". I don't think it's a great coaster, but I really enjoy the ride. I want to ride it every time I go to Thorpe and would re-ride it happily time and again in a day. It's not as intense as Inferno, but I don't care. I love Inferno too, but I don't just want that constant intensity all day long. I love the buzz, but I also want enjoyment. The B&M Wing Riders give you that. It's a fun thrill that you can just really enjoy.
I agree that CP is full of mediocre coasters... but IT'S FULL OF MEDIOCRE COASTERS! Like, properly chock full of them. They have a superb breadth of experiences in the line up and Hyde is right, GateKeeper compliments that line up and adds a superb new aesthetic to the park - AND it is also a full of biggests
Look at the Six Flags Intamin rides. You have the fantastic Bizarro and Goliath (in Holland, built by Six Flags) - yet the dire Superman at Six Flags America. Did Six Flags say "we'll have three of your Hypers, but make two of them really intense and fantastic, but the other one dull and easier on the maintenance schedule - we don't want it to cost too much and over shadow Superman at SFNE!"? No - the ride just turned out a turd, because sometimes they do.
Ride creation isn't an exact science. The manufacturers and designers are limited by their own technology, the land area the park has reserved, budgets and any environmental factors they must take into consideration.
If Maverick was to have been built in a parking lot of infinite size, it would have turned out a very different beast (perhaps more like the underwhelming Cheetah Hunt). Limitations can make or break a coaster. I've also said it before, but there isn't a single person on earth who would ride Baco and say "that kind of ride is a good investment for my park". Yes, the ride is intense, but it's also deeply unpleasant for most riders. It's not a ride type a park would take a risk on - if they did, they WOULD say "make it much less intense" and then you'd end up with a Ride of Steel version of Baco - just as neutered as the wing riders are in terms of intensity. The proof of this lies quite simply in the B&M Wing Rider order book compared to Intamin's.
On top of that... The wing riders aren't strong coasters, but that's not the point of them, there's more to a coaster than just hammering you with the most extreme forces ever. Like the flying coasters, they're at their best when they're NOT intense (IMO). They're incredibly popular ride types (for riders), they CAN be intense, but most of all - they fit the needs of the parks in the best way they can.
GateKeeper looks superb. It's a wonderful aesthetic and it gets you excited for the park and rides. It's like viewing PMBO from the motorway leading into Blackpool, or Silver Star on the roads to Rust - you see this fantastic, huge, iconic structure sitting there and your pulse starts to race. It would be great if every ride could be hugely intense, but what about people who want to just enjoy a ride?
I love The Swarm because "it's fun". I don't think it's a great coaster, but I really enjoy the ride. I want to ride it every time I go to Thorpe and would re-ride it happily time and again in a day. It's not as intense as Inferno, but I don't care. I love Inferno too, but I don't just want that constant intensity all day long. I love the buzz, but I also want enjoyment. The B&M Wing Riders give you that. It's a fun thrill that you can just really enjoy.
I agree that CP is full of mediocre coasters... but IT'S FULL OF MEDIOCRE COASTERS! Like, properly chock full of them. They have a superb breadth of experiences in the line up and Hyde is right, GateKeeper compliments that line up and adds a superb new aesthetic to the park - AND it is also a full of biggests