To be fair; to call the dribbles of "I spotted track shipped in this direction" is hardly information, more so than grasping for straws with the rest of us. It's also the off-season - let that rumor mill churn.The other week, through some personal contacts in Cedar Fair's college management program, I was formally briefed on what's happening to the attraction once known as Top Thrill Dragster. I have not been permitted to discuss details or answer questions, with one exception. That being, Intamin is the manufacturer working on the project. And this is fundamentally more than a simple ride overhaul.
The notion that Zamperla would even be involved in a project like Top Thrill Dragster is stupid. It's also insulting just how easily people can eat up this kind of misinformation. Step back for a moment and think it through again. We've seen ridiculous things happen in the industry, and this wouldn't be one of them.

Also appreciating that you are somehow not at liberty to share details from your contacts, but can somehow say it's still Intamin; let me provide a counterfactual argument to why not Intamin:
- Cedar Fair has a bullish history of greenlighting manufacturers with lesser track records for big footprint projects. E.g. going with Mondial on the Windseeker project, rather than Funtime who was (and remains) the established large-scale swing maker.
- Intamin is far from sterling in service and reputation. The park did just get done removing an Intamin magnetic launch, afterall.
- There is plenty of chronicled, other-coaster-manufacturer upfit in the world. RMC's wooden coaster service (and the obvious I-Box treatment), Morgan's Phantom's Revenge conversion, Vekoma SLC train swaps, etc. It isn't extremely farfetched to think about having non-Intamin service.
- To date, we are still operating on a lot of "he said, she said" second-hand knowledge. I too have a number of friends and contacts who work at Cedar Fair (perks of growing up in Sandusky), who had provided other large-scale project tip offs throughout the year. Some of them right, some of them dead wrong. The thrill of the inside park scoop.