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CF Pokemon Go

I forgot to post the other day, I caught my elusive Lickitung, so that's all 142 I can catch in Europe, now it's all about getting Porygon, Onix, Chansey candies etc. ready for Gen 2.

Caught a Ditto and an Electabuzz while going home from Uni today. Today's been a good day in terms of Pokemon GO. :)
Anyone still play? Anyone....?

First of all, I got my 1000km gold medal today. Yay.

I also hatched my first Togepi, the last of the 7 baby gen 2s added last month, I've hatched 3 Igglybuffs, 3 Elekids, 2 Cleffas, 2 Pichus and 1 each of Magby, Smoochum and of course Togepi, annoyingly I have to walk it for 150km to get the remaining candies for a Togetic, but I'm hoping I'll hatch another on the way.

Anyone else caught any baby gen 2s?
Anyone still play? Anyone....?

First of all, I got my 1000km gold medal today. Yay.

I also hatched my first Togepi, the last of the 7 baby gen 2s added last month, I've hatched 3 Igglybuffs, 3 Elekids, 2 Cleffas, 2 Pichus and 1 each of Magby, Smoochum and of course Togepi, annoyingly I have to walk it for 150km to get the remaining candies for a Togetic, but I'm hoping I'll hatch another on the way.

Anyone else caught any baby gen 2s?
I managed to get Pichu, Togepi and Magby so far, with quite a number of 2km eggs still to hatch (so there's hope for Cleffa and Igglybuff in them). From the gen one pool, I still need Ninetales (currently walking my Vulpix), Exeggutor, Kabutops, Omastar, Aerodactyl and Snorlax, so still quite a way to go...
Yeah, I got Togepi and Igglybuff. Much to the annoyance of the rest of family_furie who have only managed to hatch Rattatas and Zubats.

The Christmas event has let us blitz the game, I think we're all up about 20 new Pokemon. I'm on 119 now, with the other FF members on around 110.

I went from not having a Bulbusaur to the family in three days! At one point, I was getting 2-3 new Pokemon a day. Was good :)

So yeah, still playing it. We don't do much walking though so hatching eggs takes ages. We'll take MMF out on the weekends for an hour of wandering around town hunting, but you cover surprisingly little ground. He's also been in hospital and quite ill, so not done much for a couple of weeks :(
I got back into playing due to the Christmas event. I've hatched 3 babies so far.

Currently concentrating on completing the 1st gen, need about 10 more.

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My phone had a severe hiccup the other day that made me unable to turn on the game without bricking it (for some reason, the issue has since subsided). I lost my streaks, said "screw it" and haven't played since. Poké Stops are several kilometres apart here, the 'mons that spawn are mostly junk, and the ground has been glazed with ice for a while now. And it's too cold to walk around without gloves, which makes it a hassle to play. So I figured I'd at least take a break from playing, either until the weather gets better, I get a new phone, I move to a place with more Poké Stops, or all three.

Besides... well, the game isn't that good. There's very little actual Pokémon battling in it, and maybe one in every 200 Pokémon you catch will realistically be able to remain in battle for more than five seconds. Your only opponents are other players in Gyms, and most Gyms are taken by high-level players - which means you will have to be high-level yourself to even participate in battle without losing instantly. You need to constantly catch and release Pokémon, quite the opposite of the other Pokémon games where you catch and train a small team of Pokémon. And you're not playing a Pokémon Trainer as much as a Pokémon Feeder.

The capture mechanic is rather neat, and I like the incentive to visit Poké Stops or walk around to hatch Eggs. But these mechanics don't make a very compelling game by themselves. And too many crucial aspects of the Pokémon - namely, stat potentials and moves - are completely random, irreverseable and impossible to influence. You just have to play the lottery to find out whether your newly captured Pokémon is good or useless, and start over again if it turns out to be the latter. This is one of the worst mechanics in the main series Pokémon games, and it's cranked up to 11 here since you can't change a Pokémon's moves.
Gen 2 is out! I don't know anything about these pokemon so it's all rather exciting. Commute to work this morning was brilliant.
Yeah. So impressed with my Sudowoodo. My favourite Pokemon as it's so stupid. Didn't realise it was Gen 2.

Erland, I did hear that they are possibly making more Pokemon available in rural areas, or more chance of random wild appearances rather than nests/pokestops.

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I decided to try playing again the other day, while I was out on a walk. It took a while before I met anything, but suddenly a Murkrow popped up, and I caught it. As I was viewing its post-capture summary, a notification popped up on my phone's screen. Good news (although not final confirmation) from a place I'd had a job interview.

The Murkrow is now favourited and nicknamed Lucky.
That's awesome about the job! Hopefully it goes well.

There's a million snubbulls here. Also got a spinarak, murkrow, donphan, hoothoot, slugma, and some weird bird thing like xatu or zatu I don't know.

Definitely got me interested again. Just hope this makes the starters from gen 1 more common.

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That's awesome about the job! Hopefully it goes well.

There's a million snubbulls here. Also got a spinarak, murkrow, donphan, hoothoot, slugma, and some weird bird thing like xatu or zatu I don't know.

Definitely got me interested again. Just hope this makes the starters from gen 1 more common.

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Nah **** that, was bad enough that I had to grind out Gastly's to get my Gengar and then suddenly they popped up everywhere for Halloween.

Had to walk round Green Park for a few hours to get my Charizard and I walked ****ing miles to finally get Blastoise, only for nests for them to pop up round here.

Keep the starters rare and actually make them a challenge to get.
How are people doing...if anyone still plays? I'm hoping for double XP over Easter, however I feel I will be disappointed.

I only need a Wobbuffet, Unown and Ampharos and I'm done again. I know of 2 Wobbuffet nests in Cambridge, it's just going at the right time, and I need to walk my Mareep another 180km before I'll get an Ampharos...Unown will never happen xD

Also got level 35 yesterday!
^ Nice, I'm still quite a way from completing the gen 2 dex. Feel like the last few nest changes have been lame?

On my travels in Taiwan I went into a random park and within 10 minutes had one Farfetch'd and one Corsola. Only ones I saw my whole trip but glad I managed to at least get one of each (wasn't playing much tbh, just enough to keep the daily streak going).
So a bit of a bump, been playing a lot more recently.

I already have the first evolution of the gen 2 starters, which I didn't get until last week for gen 1 (So Cal had such **** everywhere i went).

Just got a sunflora today, Finally a clefable and omastar which I thought I had. Finally got my first baby in cleffa. Also explain how there are more water in Dallas than at the beach in Cali...

Also got a Larvitar from an egg <3

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I managed to crack the 200 barrier over the weekend.

After a few weeks of almost nothing, I suddenly got enough Syther candy to upgrade my Scyzor.

Then after dozens of useless eggs, I got a Totodile from an egg, which also gave me enough candy to evolve it into a Croconaw.

That tipped me over to 201.

My life is very exciting

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