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CF Speed Build Question???

Nicky Borrill

Strata Poster
OK, So before I post the type vote, I want to get your thoughts on something....

The wooden type, should that include Hybrids (RMC) or should we just include tradition all wooden coasters in that and create a new type option for Hybrid?

It's worth mentioning that we do need a new option for the 6th round.

If you think Hybrid should be it's own option, what kind of constraints should we have on it?

I'll leave this question open until later on tonight... Then I'll make the decision based on consensus and post the type vote accordingly.


I'd vote for it being it's own option with the following constraints, Lift Hill, Ibox / Steel track, minimum 2 inversions, Min height 100 ft, max height 225 ft.
With the voting criteria being 'the one you want to ride most', I'd probably play it safe and keep them separate.
It's fun to have more variety in a round, but it's also nice to keep things more directly comparable.
Yes that was my thinking. Firstly, I don't see how a traditional would stand up against a Hybrid. Of course there are those that 'prefer' them, but they're few and far between, I think it would add an imbalance. But also, I'd like a crack at building both. I love both concepts and would like to build a traditional woodie and of course, I'd like to try my hands at being Schilke for a week...
If we want to take it literally, only wooden RMC's count, but no hybrid RMC's. But only building classic non-inverting woodies could be fun too.
So I think wooden should be GCI,GG,Intamin more traditional and leave RMC out.

As we need a round 6 I think RMC should be the finale and not a pickable option, the next round choices are wood, Gerstlaurer and a Maurer spinner, these should stay. And then we finish on a bang :)

Also those constraints seem fine to me 👍
At first, I thought including RMC Hybrids/Topper Tracks in the wooden coaster round would lead to more variety in the entries, but now I'm convinced against it - you raise a good point. If they weren't separate rounds, the RMC entries would probably best the more traditional GCIs and Gravity Groups by default.

As for Hybrid Coaster restrictions, I'd like to nominate any amount of inversions and lift hill OR launch. That way, entries could range in style from Lightning Rod (no inversions with a launch) to Untamed (many inversions with a lift) to New Texas Giant (no inversions with a lift) and everything in between.

Eagerly looking forward to the next round!