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Christmas #1


Goon of the Year
Well its that time of the year again! The chart this sunday will be the chart for the christmas number 1. A lot of people are going to be buying the winner of the x factor, but there has been some campaigns (as every year now) to make songs number 1.

One of the campaigns which people have posted a video to in the youtube topic is Muppets with Bohemian Rhapsody.


This song has just broke into the iTunes top 100 this morning.

Another one is Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name of. Its getting a lot of attention and even got a mention on Channel 5's The wright stuff


So who do you think should be #1? I am hoping not X factor, but either of these 2. Also creeping up in the charts is Sir Terry Wogan & Aled Jones (from Radio 1) - Silver Bells and Queen - Who wants to live forever
I might buy "Killing in the name of" just because I've owned it for years and never paid for it (naughty_furie).

Also might buy the Muppets, as it's been over thirty years since I bought my last Muppets single (I own Mahna mahna on 7" vinyl :lol: ).
LiveForTheLaunch said:
What is up with everyone being all obsessed with this muppet thing? It's retarded.

People who think the Muppets are retarded are retarded. Well, they are retarded, but that's really the point - it's all good fun due to its amusing, retarded nature.

Let's face it Taylor, it's the exact same reason we all love you so much! :)
LiveForTheLaunch said:
What is up with everyone being all obsessed with this muppet thing? It's retarded.

Remind me if I ever meet you to bring a big stamp with 'FAIL' on it in big red letters... ;)

Muppets are win, as is Muppets 3-D <3<3<3

On topic, I don't actually really care who gets number 1 as most times my kind of music doesn't get on the charts at all... Hence DISLIKE!
I would buy Muppets, but I don't want to.

I hate Rage Against The Machine, but quite like the prospect of them being number 1 instead of X Factor. A little update for you:

Digital e-tailers iTunes, Amazon, HMV and Play.com have Rage Against The Machine at Number One with McElderry's cover of Miley Cyrus' recent single, The Climb, in second place. Or in the case of iTunes and HMV, McElderry is at Number Three and Number Four respectively.

Taken out of context by Kerrang!

Something interesting, X Factor having more views for the final than ever before. I didn't watch it, and couldn't care less who won, but it's interesting since I haven't heard people talk about it this much this year, and there's more talk about getting rid of X Factor number 1 slots then ever before.

There's also that dude from the Royal Family, he's got some cheesy Christmas song out.
I wan't Joe for No.1.

If fat twat Olly would have won I would have joined that Rage against The X-factor thing.
What a waste of a topic. It will be that X Factor twat because the British public are a bunch of easily-led, moronic, tasteless **** wits.
Am I the only one that doesn't care who's number one?
They're not making you buy the song or listen to it so who cares?

Joe deserves to get number one though. After months of hard work and singing his heart out don't you think someone like that deserves a chance over a big pop star releasing another crappy song of some bloody puppets?
But it wasn't even Simon's artist that won. It was a young lad who's dreamt of being a great singer all his life but never had the chance. Now that he has people want to be assholes and ruin it for him just to piss off a guy who already has enough money to wipe his ass with.
He will still get no.2 you know :p Its not like you fall off the end of the earth.

Thats if RAtM get no.1
Judging by the download charts. It's going to be Joe :)
I liek keeping an Eye on the chart, I'm really *cough* annoyed, that The Saturdays, Ego has charted but it isn't released for 3 weeks, urgh, things like that annoy me! :lol: