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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

Arrrghhhh! 5 seconds behind loefet...

How could you not know the answer to the peanut question, Furie? Dumbass.
gavin said:
Arrrghhhh! 5 seconds behind loefet...

How could you not know the answer to the peanut question, Furie? Dumbass.

I'm sure I pressed the right button, but it selected the wrong one for me, on it's own </some>
Well, after my score of zero yesterday, I've somewhat redeemed myself with a score of seven out of ten today! I'm in third place for now.

I have to admit though, once again, most of them were guesses.
4/10 should have been 5 but forgot to tick one of the boxes, nevermind tried to do it too quick.
Did ok today, wasnt too pleased with getting 4/10 but I am in the top half again which is good enough for me. :D
What's sport got to do with the geography of Europe?