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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

History and two of the questions are about Gilbert and Sillivan??? FFS! What a crock'o'...
There is no way that was a history quiz, it was more musicals and the english language. Meh, I somehow managed to get 5 correct, hopefully I will do better tomorrow.
Thats better 7/10 today, total score 483 in 217 secs.

I'm currently in 5th place Yipee. Not bad for an oldie seeing it is nearly 30 years since I left school :wink:
I thought today's quiz was quite good actually!

And I beat furie by two seconds! (I guessed most of them)
I have to agree...it really wasn't great.

I thought is was a CoasterForce quiz:(

By the way what did happen to the Quizzes pages, they just link back to the homepage?
I'm in fourteenth place, haha.

On today's, I got like, half of them right. Most of them were random guesses, so that explains my crappy score.
Half of them I got right. These questions are too random and about a stupid subject (musicals).
Sweet I'm top! I thought it would be on theme parks and stuff though.....what exactly makes it a Coasterforce quiz?
Well, todays was exceptionally easy (except the last one because I'm crap :lol: ). It's odd how the thing can go from one extreme to another... I'm number one though! Woohoo! :p
Hmm, I didn't exactly do amazing compared to you Furie, I only got 8, which I suppose is good for me as its my best score so far.
furie said:
Well, todays was exceptionally easy (except the last one because I'm crap :lol: ). It's odd how the thing can go from one extreme to another... I'm number one though! Woohoo! :p

Not anymore. :p
Lain said:
furie said:
Well, todays was exceptionally easy (except the last one because I'm crap :lol: ). It's odd how the thing can go from one extreme to another... I'm number one though! Woohoo! :p

Not anymore. :p

I wasn't referring to the quiz ;)

And to be honest, I'm proud of the fact I didn't know who played Daisy Duke, I think it gives me a considerable taste "higher ground" :p

I'm also glad that:

a) My scores actually reflect my knowledge, and not just because I guessed.
b) I didn't cheat by playing the quizzes in a different group, then copied the answers down and got lots right for the CF version ;)