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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

I cannot believe it, I really cannot believe it...the first time I bloody get 10 out of 10 and the three other peeps that have taken the quiz have also got the same score but at a quicker time, damn you all!
Haha my kind of quiz, got 10/10 still 8 seconds slower than Gavin but. :lol:

I can most people getting 10 on this one.
As long as Chavin doesn't win then who cares?
Y'all can suck my

I think I would hae felt stupid not to get a good score, well done everyone :wink:

Will make the evening interesting when the school kids find out how we have done so far.

No Pressure :lol:
Beans said:
No Pressure :lol:

I'd say this was the most stressful I've done so far! Not only could I not fail to get 10/10, but I was also trying to do it in a Lain beating time. Rushing so much, I didn't really read the questions well, so if there had been any kind of "trick" answer in there, I'd have shafted myself. So it was pretty hard work really - possibly the most fun I've had on the quiz in weeks :)
Furie beat me by one effing second! I wanted to win for once damnit, but I can't complain with a score of ten, even though everyone so far has a ten which makes it less special!

Second place though, woop.

EDIT- Why does every mod have cereal sets? Cereal is my favourite food, and it's making me really hungry :p .
LiveForTheLaunch said:
EDIT- Why does every mod have cereal sets? Cereal is my favourite food, and it's making me really hungry :p .

Yeah, I noticed that too. Whats up?

That Coco Pops one has me hungry too.
Topic is about the quiz, not cereal related imagery. Move along please, I want to see who the first person to fail to get a 10 is :D
Oh what the deuce!

Just looking at the scores again and I have taken the longest to complete the quiz today so far (79 secs), burn :( And I thought I did it quickly for once. Lol, the peeps who now take the test have to get 10 or otherwise its going to mighty embarrassing.
Ha, I actually got one that made me think, "wait, WTF?", but then I got it.

And I was all excited cause it was like, "YAY, 49 seconds"... and I'm still, like, tenth.