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Coasterforce Quiz!!!

Should've got ten. I knew one of my answers was wrong, but I never go back and change them. Fuxake!
10.10 but an easily beatable time.
10/10, so back on form for me. Couple I wasn't sure about though, so I dawdled a bit. Ah well :D
Get in, top of the board. I still think the times not brilliant though and its very early in the day yet, so could get beaten.
9/10 in 48 seconds.

I randomly guessed the last question and I probably would've got 10 if I had red the question and answers thoroughly!
^Boxer questions? Didn't have any of them.

My questions were random and seeing as I couldn't concentrate (shouting in the background) I got a whole 184 seconds on the clock and only 8 correct. Tbh most of them were guesses so its not a bad score.
I had nothing about Boxers (either type) either.
Most of mine were about random American Presidents.

Still managed 8 though, but in a slow time. :(
I was so close to get a 10 today.
I guessed right first, but then thought "it can't be that" and changed it. :-(
Nooooo. I thought I did well today, but now everyone is doing better than me i'm being knocked futher and further down the leaderboard. :(
Eight mo' efferss!

Actually, that wasn't too amazing considering the amount of great scores up there, but it's not too bad. A lot of easy questions, though.