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Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

The problem, Jammy, Is that a lot of people now have egg on their faces, and it’s all because the WHO have been utterly useless in this pandemic! I could give you several examples but let’s just look at Masks. For months they’ve continued this rhetoric about face masks being ineffective. Despite all evidence pointing to the opposite. Studies with video evidence showing droplets being caught in masks, data from countries where mask wearing is the norm showing their pandemic curve is insanely lower and even medical studies.

You only have to look through earlier pages of this thread to see how effective their propaganda was. Those in favour of masks were the clear minority, with the incorrect WHO advice sited several times. Some people sadly now have that false information engrained in their thinking, and it’s going to take time for them to come around to realise just how effective they are at slowing the spread. Again, this is not their fault, we’re told the best source of information is the WHO amongst others, but when their information is completely outdated at best, and completely wrong at worst, who is to blame then?

I said months ago that I thought we were being deliberately given false information on face coverings, because of a fear that the public will panic buy all of the respirators needed for health sectors. And looking through the sage minutes, that appears to have definitely been a concern. This IMO is extremely short sighted, statutory face coverings at the start of the pandemic in this country would have saved 10s of thousands of lives, and therefore meant less demand for PPE within health care... Just one of the many questions for any forthcoming enquiry!

Masks are now being produced in such huge quantities that there appears to be more masks than demand, with prices on imports, and retail prices in the UK, constantly dropping. I can currently walk into almost any store and buy them, Supermarkets, B&M, Home Bargains, Boots Amazon have started selling them to the public again... Even Vistaprint have some nice ones...

Anyway, just wear a bloody mask, if EVERYBODY wears one, it will have more of an effect on the R0 than any measure yet, other than lockdown! But please, for the love of SteVe, use them properly, don’t drop them to talk to each other face to face like they were doing in ground control during the SpaceX launch ???

Rant over...

In other news, I have my finger on the trigger, thinking of booking a trip to Holland for this week to get back on Untamed ??? (Thanks to Jammy) My patience is running out... Can’t... Wait... 3... More... Weeks...
It’s quite easy to get your hands on a mask, TBH. And yes, buy/make a few so you can have backups.

At least here in America, majority of amusement parks will require guests to wear masks; so it’s better to make peace with it sooner than later. And yes, they do quite help, even when they’re not a perfectly fit M95 mask: https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/06/do-face-masks-help-studies-leaning-towards-yes/

surely a big zoo is one of the easiest places to maintain social distancing?
Indeed most outdoor activities are found to be lower risk than indoor, partly because:
1. You have more room for social distancing
2. Outdoor airflow is MUCH better than indoor, helping carry away any potential viruses much more quickly.

Vox did a helpful primer on this actually.
If constant outdoor demonstrations are allowed to go ahead then zoos should be allowed to open immediately, in fact many lockdown restrictions with regards to outdoor businesses losing out should be eased quicker rather than later, including theme parks opening. There is a local demonstration planned next week in my area. Disgraceful.

I will not forget the lack of reaction by politicians and seemingly allowing certain injustices to constantly continue even if it is the name of fighting another injustice that they are against. The irony is ridiculous in what they are stating considering what is known about the virus and who it appears to affect most, the worst.

We are still 4 weeks away from zoos and theme parks reopening. How many more demonstrations will be held till then?
Do the lives of NHS workers not matter or only matter when it suits certain people or they only matter until there is another life that they think matters more? Do businesses trying to feed animals not matter?
Or does/did the pandemic only matter until such a time that political correctness matters more?

Utterly disgraceful what is going on. A complete hypocritical mess.
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I unfortunately have to agree about the demonstrations, I cannot agree with them in the slightest. Mass gatherings and protests are not appropriate during a pandemic. Are people really that happy to put themselves, families and other people at risk?

I understand the cause and meaning behind the protests but with social media and the internet there are so many other ways to make your voice heard.

Organisers of these protests claim social distancing is followed but in reality people are not keeping 2m apart. One in 700 currently have the virus and with a crowd of 15,000 in Manchester the virus is going to be spreading like wildfire.

As I said, I’m not against what they are fighting for, just against the way in which they are protesting. If people were protesting in small groups and keeping 2m apart, then I would support it. But gatherings of 15,000 I cannot support during a pandemic.
I understand your points, but if white people were being killed by police and treated like 2nd class citizens for 400 years, you'd want to protest too, whether during a pandemic or not. Besides, the government didn't call out the thousands of people who broke the rules on beaches, national parks, VE Day conga lines, street parties etc. They couldn't even gather the courage to fire Cummings.

I understand the cause and meaning behind the protests but with social media and the internet there are so many other ways to make your voice heard
Well black people are still getting murdered decades after social media was invented, so perhaps you're wrong on that point. Online petitions and Facebook groups do not reach the sort of person that needs to hear their message. The timing is awful, but when you have people in government breaking the rules and getting away with their jobs, I don't think they care. And in the US, seems the lockdown didn't stop the police harming and killing innocent people, anyway.

If "social media and the internet" stopped people of colour being treated like animals, they wouldn't be protesting on the streets, I think that's rather clear.
there is no way the UK gov can justify any of the lockdown measures now, juts seen pictures from London protests
yet I'm not allowed to attend my nanas funeral next week :mad:

just makes me feel ?

the sooner 2020 ends the better
Sorry to hear about your nan.

It just shows you the type of sacrifices people are having to make at this time; not being able to attend family funerals.

I can understand your frustration somewhat.
Guys, I totally understand your fears r.e protests, but they’re outdoors, and with so many of the protestors wearing masks, I honestly can’t see it affecting R0 too much, though it does make me a little nervous, especially in Manchester!

That being said, it’s damn right that they should be allowed to protest... Equality and civil rights are far more important than any business. I’m sick and tired of division. I’m sick and tired of seeing people suffering or losing their lives because of the colour of their skin, or their sexuality, or their religious beliefs, or any other stupid reason.

Black rights movements have been trying for centuries to get nothing more than a level playing field. They’ve tried peaceful, they’ve tried aggression, they’ve tried everything, and while some progress has been made, it isn’t nearly enough. From the stop and search here in the UK, to excessive aggression in America, Black people are still being treated unfairly.

This time feels different, this time it’s heart warming to see so many white and other races join the fight, this time there is momentum... This time it’s a joint fight, we’re all in this together, and hopefully finally, the powers that be will have to listen.

Anyway, I’m gonna leave it there, this isn’t the thread for this topic (is there one?) But as a white person, I can honestly say that sometimes I’m ashamed of being white, and I support their right to do whatever it takes to see some change!

Back on topic... New cases still plummeting in the UK... Fingers crossed this continues and most regions escape any negative effect of easing restrictions, protests and beaches... ?
there is no way the UK gov can justify any of the lockdown measures now, juts seen pictures from London protests
yet I'm not allowed to attend my nanas funeral next week :mad:

just makes me feel ?

the sooner 2020 ends the better
Sorry to hear of your loss. I think the funeral rules are local authority specific. I attended my grandfather’s funeral in April (albeit with social distancing and a limit of 10) during lockdown so you may want to double check.
Guys, I totally understand your fears r.e protests, but they’re outdoors, and with so many of the protestors wearing masks, I honestly can’t see it affecting R0 too much, though it does make me a little nervous, especially in Manchester!

That being said, it’s damn right that they should be allowed to protest... Equality and civil rights are far more important than any business. I’m sick and tired of division. I’m sick and tired of seeing people suffering or losing their lives because of the colour of their skin, or their sexuality, or their religious beliefs, or any other stupid reason.

Black rights movements have been trying for centuries to get nothing more than a level playing field. They’ve tried peaceful, they’ve tried aggression, they’ve tried everything, and while some progress has been made, it isn’t nearly enough. From the stop and search here in the UK, to excessive aggression in America, Black people are still being treated unfairly.

This time feels different, this time it’s heart warming to see so many white and other races join the fight, this time there is momentum... This time it’s a joint fight, we’re all in this together, and hopefully finally, the powers that be will have to listen.

Anyway, I’m gonna leave it there, this isn’t the thread for this topic (is there one?) But as a white person, I can honestly say that sometimes I’m ashamed of being white, and I support their right to do whatever it takes to see some change!

Back on topic... New cases still plummeting in the UK... Fingers crossed this continues and most regions escape any negative effect of easing restrictions, protests and beaches... ?
And as quickly as I could type that, the mindless minority have probably just gone a turned the tide of public opinion ?
Without wanting to particularly elaborate into a further discussion, as I said before I don’t have an issue about the protests, just about the lack of distancing. I know a lot about injustice and inequality from a personal perspective and believe in equality and human rights. (PM me if you want to talk more specifically about this).

But I just wish people were making more of an active effort to keep 2m apart at the protests. None of the crowd of 15,000 at Manchester were making any effort to keep their distance. Same with protests in Kingston etc. This is purely looking at this from the perspective that we are in a pandemic. What’s more worrying is how did people get to the protests? Did they car-pool with friends, did they take public transport and not wear their face covering on the bus or the train? Yes lots of people at the protests may be wearing masks but we know physical distancing is also needed to make mask-wearing effective.

The most powerful protest I have seen so far is in oxford. Everyone wearing masks and protesting together but 2m between parties.

I simply don’t think it is fair to go and compromise physical distancing in a crowded space. Whether on the beach, in a public park, in a secret rave, in a crowded protest. All of these things put other people’s lives at risk. After people do these activities, they then go to the shops (without a face mask as they aren’t mandatory) and then can spread the virus to those most vulnerable who may die from it.

I know 2 dead from this virus now, another who had to go hospital and was critically ill. This virus has no mercy and no matter what I don’t think it is fair to risk other people’s lives by compromising social distancing.

EDIT: I can also not agree with those throwing glass bottles and fireworks at UK police. The issue is with US police brutality, not UK policemen. These people are human and haven’t done anything wrong or racist, so how is it fair to throw objects at them until they fall to the ground?! When violence is involved I cannot stand with it.
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I think the whole protest will have been undermined in the public’s eyes and could well achieve the opposite of the important message after today and instead incite anger and hate.

This will be due to thousands breaking social distancing rules during a pandemic, defacing statues such as the cenotaph in London and violence breaking out throwing bikes/bottles and other missiles at police and their horses.

We could easily be set back to square one in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic with a second wave incoming.

The last few months people have sacrificed a huge amount by staying at home, social distancing, not attending funerals, closing businesses etc.. the list goes on and it could all have been for nothing.. I guess we will find out in the coming weeks.
I love how people are blaming protestors rather than blaming those who caused them. Nobody complained when the Metropolitan Police gathered close together on Westminster Bridge to clap the NHS, there were hundreds of them not socially distancing along with civilians?

The last few months people have sacrificed a huge amount by staying at home, social distancing, not attending funerals, closing businesses etc...
Yeah, people were really struggling when they had huge (not socially-distanced) street parties and conga lines.

I honestly can't believe this country sometimes. People will deny being racist, but fail to understand why people are so upset and feel the need to protest in the first place. Police brutality and discrimination didn't stop when the pandemic hit. Every day we see videos of black people getting killed or beaten up by police, and that includes the UK police. When do you propose people protest? After the pandemic? Are we to just let the system go unchallenged when so many are oppressed under it?

Don't brand all of the protestors as vile idiots just because one idiot decided to spray paint on the Cenotaph.
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I love how people are blaming protestors rather than blaming those who caused them. Nobody complained when the Metropolitan Police gathered close together on Westminster Bridge to clap the NHS, there were hundreds of them not socially distancing along with civilians? Nth up

Actually, there were loads of complaints when the police gathered on Westminster bridge to clap the NHS and there was no social distancing between them. There were so many complaints that it was decided not to do it again, as people were so angry that they were making no effort to keep 2m apart. I know, because I was one of those complaints.

Yeah, people were really struggling when they had huge (not socially-distanced) street parties and conga lines.
I actually find it ridiculous that you are categorising the whole UK population and saying that people didn’t have any problems with the VE parties and the conga lines. There was a massive uproar due to the VE parties, I ended up reporting one to the police due to the lack of social distancing myself. The majority of the UK population have been upset and angered by the lack of social distancing in the last few weeks. And it’s always the minority of idiots who shine through and make it seem like we all haven’t made any effort to social distance over the last 10 weeks, when most of us have isolated ourselves from friends and family for that whole time. Whether in the VE parties, on the beaches, in the public parks or in a protest. It makes no difference. Making no effort to social distance is disrespectful no matter the cause, because it’s putting other people’s lives at risk. When you already know 2 people dead from the coronavirus, I refuse to back down from my opinion and say that people not social distancing is acceptable. It’s not, and it’s just disrespectful. I don’t care if you are on the beach, in the park, in the shops, in someone’s garden or at a protest. Keep 2m away from those not in your household- you are putting lives at risk if you don’t.

People will deny being racist, but fail to understand why people are so upset and feel the need to protest in the first place. Police brutality and discrimination didn't stop when the pandemic hit. Every day we see videos of black people getting killed or beaten up by police, and that includes the UK police. When do you propose people protest? After the pandemic? Are we to just let the system go unchallenged when so many are oppressed under it?

Don't brand all of the protestors as vile idiots just because one idiot decided to spray paint on the Cenotaph.

First of all, it wasn’t just one idiot spray painting, it turned into a group of people who started throwing fireworks, glass bottles and missiles at police. That’s not ok, and there’s no justification for it.

Secondly, as I’ve said before racism is a massive issue but it’s not the only issue when it comes to injustice and inequality. There’s issues with LGBTQ rights, religion etc. Which people are still getting discriminated against. That’s not ok, and neither is racism, and neither is being killed because of the colour of your skin, and I understand the need for people to protest and their voices to be heard. But I don’t think people need to compromise the 2m rule to do so, that is what makes any protest or gathering (wherever it may be) in the current circumstances disrespectful. Kneel in solidarity at 2m apart, go to a public park and keep 2m between parties in your protest. Don’t start crowding 15,000 down a street and climbing on shoulders and break all social distancing rules.

I’m sorry, but I’ve isolated myself for the last 11 weeks, haven’t seen any friends and family, for the benefit of others not for myself, and I’m not willing to do it all again because people are being ignorant and not social distancing. As I said, it’s not specific to those at protests, because some at the protests have been very respectful and made sure to wear a mask and keep social distancing, it’s to all of those at protests, at the beach, at each other’s houses etc who haven’t bothered to social distance and are contributing to the spread of infection.

As I said before, the protests are outdoors so risk of transmission is significantly reduced at the protests. However more of the concern is how are people getting to the protests and if people are overwhelming and overcrowding public transport, or car-sharing with friends, that’s what is going to be significant when it comes to a second spike in cases.
Yeah, there are other issues like LGBT rights, I'm gay for god's sake. Why do the other issues undermine the issue of racism? They do not.

And no, sorry, you're wrong. The papers and the media did not go to town on the VE Day partiers, the police on the bridge, or the other rule breakers like they have on protestors. We'll just have to agree to disagree. I'm sorry that you know two people that have passed due to Covid, I know people too, but that doesn't change my opinion on the issue of systemic racism.

I wish they would all social distance too, but I don't think the protests are wrong because a lot of them aren't.
I do get your point, I really do, and I do agree.
But there are videos of police pepper-spraying, tear-gassing, beating up innocent people just walking down the street alone (if anyone here wants evidence of this I can find the videos for them). I imagine it's hard to social distance when you're trying to help the wounded etc. Although I'm not saying that the peaceful protests shouldn't be social distanced, I agree with you on that. In the states though, where we see police instigating much of the horrible violence, I don't blame people for not sticking 2 metres apart.
Anyway, I’ll try to steer to the topic back to theme parks, as I’m sure many others like me find the current discussion quite stressful!

Alton towers reopened their gardens yesterday! Did anyone get a chance to visit and have any experience of what it was like?