Nicky Borrill
Strata Poster
Much depends on France ‘confirming’ their intention to reopen borders on Monday, if that happens I’m headed Europa and Holiday Park ( I STILL haven’t done either of these, so I’m trying to think of it more as a cred run, than a theme park experience, as I don’t want covid restrictions tainting my view)I am pretty hopeful that Alton towers will (and in my opinion they definitely should) do a u turn on the fact masks should be required in their parks.
Not necessarily in open spaces such as the gardens and pathways, however in queue lines, on the rides and in indoor attractions and shops I definitely think they should be mandatory, the same as what’s required in germany.
@Nicky Borrill very exciting about your trip! I’m currently planing one for 2-3 weeks time, but haven’t decided exactly where I want to go yet. What parks are on your list?
Incidentally if it doesn’t happen I will have just wasted £400 unless I can get dates changed ????
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