I started when I was drunk a so called mate put a cigg in my hand and that was it. 2 weeks before I started smoking I started smoking something else and I just got addicted to it that way.
I used to be so against drugs and smoking and I let it happen if I could turn the clock back I would, I was at uni and near enough everyone was doing it.
As of late I have thought more and more about giving up and by the end of this year I have set myself a target to stop.
Times change though and to say people who smoke are thick is a bit strong. When I started no one really knew the risks etc its only in the last 10 years people do. When I was at uni near enough everyone smoked I was one of the only few who did not, but then I started as well.
I am 100% not thick I have a good job etc, I now smoke not through choice not through liking it but due to the fact I am addicted and as I said before if I could stop I would. Even my doctor told me not to stop due to things. I am not allowed any of the pills, i can not use the patches and other stuff just does not work. So when I stop I need to use 100% will power.
What I do find strange is when I was growing up people were going on about AIDs and safe sex, now days its smoking and the safe sex thing was near enough forgotten. More younger people get ill and die through this than smoking, yes they dont smoke but they are quite willing to put their lives at risk other ways.