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Do you suffer from "man tan"?

Do you suffer from man tan?

  • Yes!

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  • No, I avoid the sun, use suncream or go topless.

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  • Screw you bitches, I'm tanned all the time!

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I have quite long hair and last year I fell asleep on the beach so i had a man-tanned face, starting to get it this year as well so far not as bad :-D but there's time :'(.
Its usually on my neck and arms where I get really tanned and then I find whenever I wear a different top which shows more skin I end up with white patches all over. Also if I'm in a outdoor swimming pool or in the sea on a hot day, I'll end up with burned skin where the water would go up to on my body.
Yep, man tan here, you'll not catch me with my top off unless i'm swimming. The man-tanned parts of me generally stay a bit tanned all year round now, i'm not that pale, so those bits don't really burn. Apart from my face, which seems to burn with alarming regularity. Probably because i'm a bit inept at remembering to apply sun cream.
Nope. I'm tanned all over... well almost. If I ever do start to tan more on my arms&shoulders/legs then its roll upthe shorts time and off comes the vest! *hates man-tan*
Joey said:
zcl said:
I'm black, of course not. Dark Chocolate for the win
Why does that make you exempt? Surely you just need a longer roasting?

no the sun just makes me glow. So I put on shades because I shine so hard... cool)
Yep, especially after a week in southern Germany, but the best bit is that you can cover it with a t-shirt.

Or as we call it here in Sweden: "Bonnabränna" :)

Tan stripes on the feet from sandals are way worse in my opinion.
Well kinda. Track kinda evens it out with our wonderful short shorts and skimpy tops. :p
Although since I wear sandals so much I do have a sandal tan.
Yup. I was in Tunisia for a week so only wore a shirt, shorts and sandals so was tanned everywhere apart from my back, stomach and shorts area.
Phil had classic man tan so on wednesday he went out in the garden with his laptop and got engrossed in Facebook FAR too long! I have been living with a very sore radish ever since! He is now peeling, still very red and still a bit sore! All very funny but I haven't been able to cuddle him until today :(

Me..................I'm still milk bottle white tehe.
I am naturally quite tanned. People frequently ask me if I am mediteranian. I must have something in my genetic make up because I'll be damned if I am getting it from English weather.
Hey, I'm Irish so man-tan all the way baby! :--D
Man tan.
On matter how much i try to get all my top and all even, i still get it. Mostly on forearms and neck, it avoids my upperarms and kinda get my chest, but stays off the stomach muscles (not one to brag or anything...)