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Docklands [14/01/2007 - 06/10/08] [New Park - 10/03/10]


Mega Poster
So I've stopped the West Ferry project - but it'll be back up and running once I get things together....My Mojo seemed to have gone. However, it has not stopped me from creating a new park.


I'm in love with the Docklands area, London.
I live about 10 minutes DLR ride and go there nearly everyday. I thought I'd dedicate a park to it - the park won't be Docklands to a 'T' but it'll have that feel to it....well, as much as I can try.

Here's the link.....

Hope you enjoy and yes I won't be giving up on this one.....

Holy crap man, this is amazing. I like it much better than West ferry Point, probably because it's so damn unique. The architecture is absoloutely amazing and I honestly can't wait to see this grow into a big park.

I'm thrilled, keep it up!
Wjat exactly is this?
I'm guessing Dockland is a city somewhere, but I don't get what you're going for here.

Is this all going to be a park, or will you make a park in the middle of the city?
LFTL - wow thanks, comments like that spur me on so thanks...again.

Comet - Yes, Docklands is part of London. It's in the Eastend of London and has been regenerated into a beautiful mini city. It hosts such funky looking buildings and great photo opportunities....
Here you'll find some pictures of Docklands as it is and it's future.....

The park will be at the back of this small area - it'll be more of a fair within a residential/retail surrounding.

Wow. This is much better then West Ferry Point, you must have had pointers of people or something, or just have it in your blood to improve so quickly, this is amazing.

I've been to the Docklands. It's pretty cool and unique there, a interesting, but awesome atmosphere is around the Docks, and its pretty cool when I visit the Docklands about 2 times a year (I dont go to London alot - Im not a fan!)

Back to oyur park, This is amazing. Seriosuly dude, you much put so much effort into things, and it certainly pays off! I cant wait for whats next to come, and I cant wait to see what this whole thing evolves up into.

Hope this will be up for download once complete.
Back to oyur park, This is amazing. Seriosuly girl, you much put so much effort into things, and it certainly pays off! I cant wait for whats next to come, and I cant wait to see what this whole thing evolves up into.

I couldn't help but notice that you adressed Coaster Monkey as a girl. As far as I can see from his profile, he's a boy. Haha. Don't worry though, a lot of people make that mistake. I can't remember how many times I was told that people thought I was male.

But like I said dude, I've never seen architecture like this! It's so different than anything else I've seen. I like the way you put stuff inside the one glass building too, it really helps to raise the realism.

It's ****ing fabulous. I'll be watching this park until it's done. How big is the map though?
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Back to oyur park, This is amazing. Seriosuly dude, you much put so much effort into things, and it certainly pays off! I cant wait for whats next to come, and I cant wait to see what this whole thing evolves up into.

I couldn't help but notice that you adressed Coaster Monkey as a girl. As far as I can see from his profile, he's a boy. Haha. Don't worry though, a lot of people make that mistake. I can't remember how many times I was told that people thought I was male.

Yah, Um that was a carless mistake, sorry about that. Its now been fixed. Once again, Im sorry.

Cant wait till this park is up for download!
Don't worry though, a lot of people make that mistake. I can't remember how many times I was told that people thought I was male.

Haha, I'm one of those people :oops:
Not a bad start at all. The architecture is pretty nice so far, some of the best I've seen around the forum in a while. I think there's still a lot of room for some details and stuff, such as using that little art deco custom piece to line some of your roofs and everything. I'd love to see you use the full tile tarmac (custom) rather than the street stuff and just hack on the custom street line scenery. Also the 'crown moulding' custom scenery works wonders for cleaning up the look of buildings and straightening things out. But certainly a good start thus far.
......**** me with a fork. Thanks for the comments guys.

Okay - lets try and reply to y'all......

Lauz - Ha! I am actually a bit girlish at times so it's all cool. Maybe it's the pink avatar that I got?.....Hey, it's a cool colour..... :lol:
To tell you the truth I started this park before I started my West Ferry Point Project - so there's not much improvement just a different style of RCT'ing.
It'll be up for download once it's finish - but don't expect it to be soon, it'll be a LONG while once I'm happy with the park.

LFTL - Thanks for pointing out my gender, saves me from doing so - so yay!
Glad I'm impressing you - it does indeed take a long while before I'm a little bit happy with a building. I go through about 6 different designs before I'm happy....And even then I'm not 100% sure about it. There's always room for improvement.

The Claw - Well I'm not one to brag but........ 8)
Ha, thanks dude......

Charlie - I will indeed keep it up - what with all the great comments I'll stick to this park 'till the end.

CP6 - Ah, finally a comment from you.
Yes - everything isn't nearly finished - it's all just a rough design before I add the extensive theming.
I would have used real tarmac and hack 'street lines' onto it - if only I had a decent 'Street pack' - if one exists that it.
As for cleaning up the buildings - like I said everything still isn't finished as yet. I'll be cleaning up everything before I put the park up for download.

Thanks for the advise dude.


Great comments everyone - good to see I'm gaining a few fans.

I've started to build a few more sky scrapers but am not sure whether I should keep 'em or not - I'll post screens later for your advise.
Work on the actual 'fair' itself will begin next week - hopefully!

I've already thought up an idea for my next project which will be somewhat linked to this park. But I won't give up on this park - I'll end this before I start another......

Thanks again,

At the risk of sounding like I'm plugging a park, might I suggest downloading my 'Crystal Springs Oasis'. It's got those road lines I was talking about. You can find on rct2.com (or whatever they call themselves now) under Runner Ups to VP of the Month. I think it was November 2005 (may have been 04). And if you get my H2H entry 'Kayte Ridge' (search the forums here), you'll get the full tile paths that bring the tarmac right up to the edge. That might help you out.
Hey CP6 - it's alright to plug *Come visit TPJ*:wink:
I have downloaded your parks in the past - t'was very impressed - but I have yet to add the street lines onto my park......I'll come 'round to it, but as for now I'm keeping the pavement as it is for the time being.


So then - this park is killing me.....
I'm thinking of all new ideas but can't put 'em onto RCT - not much of a creativity block more like I can't manipulate the scenery I've got to have a finished product.
I've added a new building - Mansion Flats - Close Up
It's been inspired by a block of flats, near to where I live, that have been recently converted/updated to look...nice. T'was a messy estate tower block - but the area has had a lot of regeneration. So I'm putting that *real* story into my own park.

I've also created a nice looking, if I say so meself, suspended bridge. Idea has been taken from the Golden Jubilee Bridge(Found in London SouthBank) & The London Excel Bridge (Found in Docklands)
I wouldn't say it's a spot on 'recreation of the both' but it's just an idea taken from 'em.
Suspended Bridge

So then, that's all for now, I'll leave you all with - The Park So Far

Comments welcome,

Absolutly fabulous. This is amazing work, cant wait for more. Oh, and in regards to your comment, Im sorry about getting that wrong, it was just a careless mistake, and Yah, Pink is a cool colour ;) 8)
The bridge is nice... reminds me of a cable-stayed bridge. I don't know if it's possible, but you might want to try making that tallest tower thicker since structurally that's the one that would be supporting the weight. Or make it look more important, I guess.

As for the building, it's my favorite yet. Excellent use of those blocks and very detailed. Nicely done.
You know I really wish you used image tags instead of giving us a whole heap of links...

Anyway, yeah it's looking very nice. The bridge looks cool but I don't understand why the cables only go one way, should it come up from the ground from both sides, to central the balance of the bridge?
Hmm, the bridge just looks too lopsided. A nice idea to create a unique, almost sailboat-esque bridge, but it doesn't quite work for me. Maybe try putting the key pole slightly off centre, but not right on the edge of the bridge. And yea make it thicker as said before, maybe even something else to it to make it stand out further?

Other than that, wow, best park without rides i've ever seen. Tbh, adding rides would almost make this worse.
Lauz - :D. Thanks dudette.

CP6 - Thanks a lot dude. Yeah - funny that I've tried to make lavish sky scrapers and have one of my simple Mansions flats to turn out to be the one I like most.

The Claw - Yes - I thought of that at first but that kinda design seems too generic for bridges......

Bitter - Well, to be honest, that's the look I'm going for. A weird, quirky, look to the bridge. There are many 'artistic'*/unusual buildings in and around London - so I just thought I'd go mad for a while. However I have edited the bridge slightly - just to justify how the suspended cables actually 'hold' the bridge up.
I'm too wondering how on earth am I gonna place flat rides without destroying the look of the park - especially the building scale.


Not a lot has happened thus far - drop off zone for Trucks at the back of the Docklands Arena. I just thought I'd create an entry/exit for loading and unloading theater/stage equipment....


The Suspended Bridge has had a little work done onto it.....

Finally - the mansion flats are now complete, bar from creating the surroundings.


Comments, as always, are very welcome.....

Oh that bridge is improved no end just simply by evening it out a bit, very nice. Though atm it looks a bit plain, but of course when you add stuff around it i'm sure it'll stand out and look great.

As usual amazing buildings, it all looks like it could actually exist, and nice idea with the unloading section.