My first visit yesterday… Coaster is ok, good in fact… But either the perks thrown in for media or the excitement of opening / media day, has definitely influenced some of the earlier reviews.
It’s good, I don’t understand how it’s made some peoples ‘top x’ lists though.
It’s smooth, hyper smooth. Has a great first drop, that gives some good airtime in the back, for an invert. There’s some very good, sustained, positive forces into several of the turns, felt like some were way over 4g. The inversions are profiled well, as we’ve come to expect with newer vekomas, the roll after the station fly through was a particular highlight. The airtime hills near the end caught me off guard a little. Not intamin / rmc strong, but much stronger than I expected from an invert, actually felt a bit ‘weird,’ but in a good way.
The new area was nice, and definitely looks like it 'will be' top quality. But at the moment, there's still so much construction work happening, and so many bits unfinished, that it somewhat takes away from the experience. Why do parks keep opening areas unfinished nowadays?
Overall a solid ride though, and could easily make your top 5 if you’ve only visited parks in the British Isles. But if you’ve travelled further and often, it’s probably not going to be ranking in anything other than your ‘top Vekomas’ list, and even then, I wouldn't put it top.
I'm now glad I didn't make the trip over before this was built, as even with this new area, we were finished, and getting bored by 2pm, having hit almost double figures on all of the main coasters.
Our very own
@Rollercoaster David has the best review I’ve seen, still on the more positive side than my own would be, but definitely by far the most balanced and informative review on Youtube if you haven't watched it already.
Ultimately, a really nice coaster, but I wouldn't go out of my way to get out there and ride it again. I would however consider adding it onto a trip elsewhere, now that I've discovered I can save money transiting through Dublin airport if I want to fly almost anywhere from East Midlands.