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Energylandia | Hyperion | Intamin Hyper coaster

:emoji_clap: LOCK :emoji_clap: OUT :emoji_clap: TAG :emoji_clap: OUT :emoji_clap:

In all seriousness, this was a horrible accident, and I hope the park will improve its safety procedures after this. Thoughts to the family and friends of the victim.
Looks like Energylandia isn’t having a Six Flags day on National Roller Coaster Day. In all seriousness, terrible that something like this happened. It seems like almost every coaster that’s opened up this year is having major problems or have had an accident (big or small).
At Disney if anyone had to get into the ride's path, we would have to tag the attraction out by leaving our Disney ID in return for a padlock that every CM had to lock to a rack connected to the main switch of the attraction. This way, not until everyone had come back and unlocked their padlock, could the ride be restarted.

Parks should just not collect lost items from rides during operational hours, let alone with rides running.
Yeah if you lose some articles too bad for you, why was he collecting articles? Stupid humans is is what it all comes down to.
Apparently it was quite common for the park to send maintenance workers to retrieve loose articles while the ride was running.

If you're surprised about the lack of safety regulations in Poland you obviously know nothing about Eastern Europe.
Sad to hear about such news and I hope it won't impact the park too much, since it sounds like the operators weren't properly trained, if they did that on regular basis...

If you're surprised about the lack of safety regulations in Poland you obviously know nothing about Eastern Europe.
If you think Poland is considered a part of Eastern Europe, you don't know much about geography...
If you think Poland is considered a part of Eastern Europe, you don't know much about geography...

As a German, Poland is one of our neighbours and until a few days ago I didn't even know that Poland does not have the euro. That says more about the current state of europe (spoiler alert, it's in the ****) than it says about geography, but politically, Poland is certainly Eastern Europe.
It's just about singular safety working protocols within each park - I know for a fact if I managed a park, any lost items within ride vicinity would not be collected until the ride was offline and locked off from operating. Such a shame this has happened.
Apparently it was quite common for the park to send maintenance workers to retrieve loose articles while the ride was running.

If you're surprised about the lack of safety regulations in Poland you obviously know nothing about Eastern Europe.
Yeah, like in your country everything is good with safety regulations... lol.

Should I named the list of US parks disasters? Maybe you will start to consider US is Eastern Europe too.
As a German, Poland is one of our neighbours and until a few days ago I didn't even know that Poland does not have the euro. That says more about the current state of europe (spoiler alert, it's in the :emoji_poop:) than it says about geography, but politically, Poland is certainly Eastern Europe.
Apart from the fact that it's Eastern to Germany, I can't really find anything that would put today's Poland in Eastern Europe. Considering you've strayed towards politics, they're also part of Visegrad Group who identify themselves as an alliance of Central European states.
The only real definition that could put Poland in Eastern Europe is the fact that they were a part of Eastern Bloc until late 80s. But back then half of today's Germany was also a part of Eastern Bloc. Surely you don't think that's still the case today?

Oh, and it annoys me so much when somebody admits they know **** all about the subject they're talking about, but then continue to claim the fact they're stating is 'certainly' correct...
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Poland as Eastern Europe is like the whole is Turkey in Europe thing.
However Poland is considered Eastern Europe by the UN and i tend to go with that.

Regions used for statistical processing purposes by the United Nations Statistics Division. Red is Eastern Europe.

Not saying thats the "Right" definition but its the one i use personally.

Back on Topic its a shame to hear about the accident especially something so avoidable. This seems to happen with surprising regularity. I remember both Batman in Georgia and Raptor having similar incidents. :(
^ Wasn't the Raptor accident a park guest, if I remember correctly? It was a similar incident though from what I remember.
Raptor was a guest, one of the SFOG Batman uhoh's was a guest.... La Ronde Vampire was a worker.... Great America Topgun/Flight Deck was a guest..
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Regions used for statistical processing purposes by the United Nations Statistics Division. Red is Eastern Europe.
Well if you are going to link Wiki...


Seems incredible that a worker would not expect a train to come by, unless they were assuming / had been told that the ride was locked down. If the latter then that is some shoddy operations, if the former then that is some gross stupidity.

Not good whatever way you look at it of course. Quite surprised its running today (even if there is nothing wrong with the coaster itself)
Very sad to hear about the terrible accident. My thoughts go to the victim and his family. RIP :'(

During my visit to EL last month I remember seeing an employee walking around the protected zone of Hyperion while I was riding the coaster.

About the whole 'Central or Eastern Europe' debate, regardless of what international organisations/internet say, it is a huge trigger for Polish people to call their country part of 'Eastern Europe'. At least it's something I found when researching for "things not to do/say in Poland", and reactions from Polish CF members seems to attest that.
Press release of 17-08-2018
We regret to inform that one of our co-workers, colleagues and friends passed away due to an accident that happened yesterday around 8:30 p.m.
Our employee, licensed maintenance technician, had an accident when he was trying to help one of our Customers and fetch their mobile phone that fell out during a ride.
We would like to stress here that the users of the facility where the accident happened are banned from using and carrying mobile phones and any other objects that may fall out during a ride at all times. All belongings can be stored safely in lockers that have been ready for use from the very first operation of the facility. The ban is presented in a clear and also visual form at the entrance to the facility.
The amusement park cooperates with authorities conducting investigation of this incident.
We also declare that the safety of our Customers and staff is our utmost priority and confirm that the facility posed no hazard to the people using it at the time of the accident, and that the facility is 100% safe.
We ensure that we will spare no effort to honour our colleague and help his family in this difficult time.
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Press release of 17-08-2018
We regret to inform that one of our co-workers, colleagues and friends passed away due to
an accident that happened yesterday around 8:30 p.m.
Our employee, licensed maintenance technician, had an accident when he was trying to help
one of our Customers and fetch their mobile phone that fell out during a ride.
We would like to stress here that the users of the facility where the accident happened are
banned from using and carrying mobile phones and any other objects that may fall out during a ride
at all times. All belongings can be stored safely in lockers that have been ready for use from the very
first operation of the facility. The ban is presented in a clear and also visual form at the entrance to
the facility.
The amusement park cooperates with authorities conducting investigation of this incident.
We also declare that the safety of our Customers and staff is our utmost priority and confirm that the
facility posed no hazard to the people using it at the time of the accident, and that the facility is 100%
We ensure that we will spare no effort to honour our colleague and help his family in this
difficult time.

Are they blaming the rider for doing this? It seems they're passing the buck and not taking responsibility for their employee doing the wrong thing unless THAT was ok.. in which case they are just plain stupid.

In a release about a death, you don't blame the people. You blame the, pardon my french, ****ing idiot who decided to go in to grab a mobile phone in a restricted area they should not have been in unless cleared fully.

This is 1000000% the employee and possibly the parks fault. At most, you mention "Hey guys.. remember don't bring phones on!" but thats a one line blurb.. not 3/4 of the statement.

BAD look Energylandia.. BAD look.
To be fair, an accident like this is a strong message to reiterate the loose articles policy of any park. I'm not saying that them fully blaming the guest, and putting in 'licensed maintenance technician' to further hit it home is the right thing to do, but, it may help issues like this at the park in the future and make people think again?