The Legend
Dar, I'm not acting like a holier than thou enthusiast - but the worst type of enthusiast is the one that slags off a POV of a video without riding anything even remotely similar. It's just an absolutely ignorant look on it and just resembles someone trying to be edgy and different by not following the masses.
To be fair to @Dar, I share his feelings albeit not in the same words and I've been on a plethora of RMC's. I'm certainly not attempting to be edgy or different by saying that by any stretch. I was just as excited as everyone else with the pictures and early videos. I also think that I, along with some others such as Dar, may just be numb to RMC's at this point given how many have came out with similar layouts, elements, all that jazz.
Also, on top of that, the fanboyism around RMC's can be a bit toxic I've noticed as of late, especially from some Europeans who gushed over Untamed and Zadra. Ya'll.. they look good but there are a dozen others like em. The hype train left the station about 3 years ago.

All that being said, I certainly don't feel it won't be bad but it may not be as good as everyone is gushing over. I'll gladly eat crow once I get on it however as I've been delightfully wronged in the past by feelings before I ride but I've also been confirmed as well. We shall see.