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Energylandia's Future Additions

We went from coasters going up in a day to this area taking seemingly decades. I was going last May hoping it was going to be open (maybe naively) and now I’m going this May and it’s still probably not going to be open then either!
I mean, it’s actually less than 2 years since Abyssus opened (July 2021) and they’ve added that massive wheel since then.

I know we’ve come to expect a new coaster every 5 minutes from the park, but 2 or 3 coasters every 2 years really is very impressive still. It has to slow down further than this at some point as it’s surely not sustainable.

I think it’ll be open before the end of this year, possibly by July / summer like Abyssus.

It’s worth noting that by this time in the Abyssus timeline, the Mine train’s track was complete!!! So what’s next?
So what’s next?

This might sound boring but I dont think we will see much more from EL in the next years. The tilt coaster + eventual area would probably come 2025 earliest. Then Energylandia have essentially succeeded in establishing themselves as one of Europe's premier parks. With that, they will try to extract more value from their property. We will be looking at a hotel, indoor waterpark, more resturants and shopping, arcades and that sort of stuff. They will also need to make sure that they have the necessary backend support, warehouses and the like. They might start redoing the old park sections or look at ways to hide the road in the middle of the park.

After the tilt coaster I think EL will move more into a "normal" expansion schedule. Such as Europa Park. Getting a new coaster every now and then but not every single year.
I went last May hoping it would be open then. Looking in the area looked almost complete I must say.

I’d much rather them stop the new additions including the tilt coaster and focus on finishing off sweet Valley and Aqualantis this season. Then go back to the front of the park and remove all the crap and get the theming in the front half of the park to the standard of the back.

With the tilt coaster there will be 20 credits to get. However, in my opinion the first few coasters there either need removing (Viking, circus coaster and frutti loops, happy loops) or huge theming enchantments in and around them.

I know we need family coasters at parks, but the 2 Vekoma Family boomerangs, mars, frida and draken are good examples of family rides well themed and done well and the poor 4-5 ones bring the rest of the place down.
I went last May hoping it would be open then. Looking in the area looked almost complete I must say.

I’d much rather them stop the new additions including the tilt coaster and focus on finishing off sweet Valley and Aqualantis this season. Then go back to the front of the park and remove all the crap and get the theming in the front half of the park to the standard of the back.

With the tilt coaster there will be 20 credits to get. However, in my opinion the first few coasters there either need removing (Viking, circus coaster and frutti loops, happy loops) or huge theming enchantments in and around them.

I know we need family coasters at parks, but the 2 Vekoma Family boomerangs, mars, frida and draken are good examples of family rides well themed and done well and the poor 4-5 ones bring the rest of the place down.
There's a whole section at the front of the park that I genuinely managed to convince myself doesn't exist. You know, the whole circus themed area. I rarely stray into it (you don't need to unless you need the creds.)

This area just needs bulldozing and rebuilding, with a proper family IP and well executed theming.

Thankfully, there's plenty to go at even if you completerly forget this area exists. 😂
If I remember correctly, they want to redo the old area after the entrance once the hotel and new main entrance is opened.
This will cost time and money, so this is likely to be a multi year project, but might also come with some new additions (but also some removals).

In addition we need to keep in mind that the tilt coaster is likely to be the last project with EU funding. The funding was reduced from project to project, and if I recall correctly, the tilt is only 10% EU money.
The huge amount of rides also costs a ton of money to maintain. Whilst EL is profitable (yes, they really are), they still need to have a look at their costs.

But still, with them aiming to score foreign visitors and not just locals, they will still add an „occasional“ big ride. Maybe more Intamins, instead of Vekoma?
Sod the theming. Energylandia just needs to build coasters and rides.

They don't need to become the next Europa or PA. Just be a European Six Flags with big thrill coasters and not much else frankly. They'll still get masses of people in.
Sod the theming. Energylandia just needs to build coasters and rides.

They don't need to become the next Europa or PA. Just be a European Six Flags with big thrill coasters and not much else frankly. They'll still get masses of people in.

I’d be happy with this, but still, let’s remove the crap stuff before adding big thrill coaster after big thrill coaster!
Hey the front area may be a bit rubbish but there's so many little rides and coasters there that it's sucks up a crap ton of guests meaning they aren't in queues for rides I want to ride.

I see it as a useful evil 🤣
The waterpark is great for that in summer too... It shocks me how many people pay for entrance and spend their day in the waterpark.

I genuinely could not tell you how many times I've visited in the last 5 years, but it's way over 50 days spent on park in total... Not once have I visited the water park!!!

Let's face it, Energylandia is the cheapest possible way in Europe to ride some massive world class extreme coasters... That's why we visit, we have water parks at home. And there's not many out there that are going to beat Siam Park or Volcano Bay, so why bother?
I don’t know if this was already considered public knowledge, but apparently the park now plans to add 2 hotels, instead of just one.

I also recall that the Venetian hotel was planned to be near Aqualantis/Sweet valley, but it’s now planned to be next to the indoor water park.

Image source: Myself.


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Both those next to the indoor Waterpark have been on maps ever since the Sweet Valley section got added on which I believe was 2021. Has always been planned. That said two years later and not an ounce of construction started on any hotel or indoor water park!
Is there a chance of Energylandia picking up some stalled projects again now that there has been a change to a 'Pro-EU' government? Will funding be restarted/unfrozen?
I’ve been waiting for their hotel since 2018.

As far as I know the Tilt coaster is the last major expansion which is in parts payed by EU money. However, as the EU loves to waste money, I wouldn’t complain if they were to waste more money at Energylandia 😂