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Fairground ride terror-restraints work and ride doesn't fail


Staff member
From the Daily Fail!

Terror at Brean as Xtreme works perfectly - mum doesn't!

The mum of a 10 year old decided that her little girl's restraint wasn't secured correctly and got the ride op to e-stop it. He did, and couldn't restart it until the restraint was checked - when the girl was close to the top.

So the fire brigade had to be called out and the girls rescued from a perfectly safely operating ride.

Well done mum!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -hour.html
Twenty firefighters :oops: , I hope they send the mother the bill.

Its up on YouTube too.

Silly woman.

She made the whole situation worse! It must be scary trapped that far up on a booster when the car is tilted like that. Aren't these rides motion controlled whereby they are only able to be operated if the restraint is secure? Dear me some people have no common sense.
Spin Doctor had a system on it that showed the ops/atendants if any of the restraints where not fully locked. Thus not letting the arm move untill it was inside the safety peramiters.

(I am not sure if im right so dont shoot me if im not)
Even if the restraint wasn't done up properly I don't think that stopping the ride at that angle so their leaning into the restraints would be any safer.
Still good to know that nothing was wrong but it's understandable for the mother to panic if she thinks her children are in danger.
It's not one of those 'only in America' stories, it's one of those 'only a woman would be dumb enough...' stories.

What a waste of time, taxpayers money and valuable resources...
Well she obviously knew better than the people who's job it is to operate the thing :roll: ......

Sure, it's fine for a mother to be worried about her child, but how would she know whether it was safe or not. From what I've taken from it, she wasn't even on the ride!

Edit: My bad, I didn't see the paragrapgh about the girl 'gesturing to her mother. :oops:
Silly people.

Just think if your restraint wasnt done up, and you were on the otherside, i would have fallen out!!
So basically girl got scared, panicked, mum noticed, told ops to stop it which they did, and since it was an E-Stop it stopped immeadiently, in mid-air...

Non-story... Simple as... Nowt wrong with the ride, just people going on a ride that's too big for them...
dis is ixacly why i wont go on no rides @ fairz coz dey is wel danjurus!!
If you decide you don't like a ride mid-cycle then you have to face your own bloody decisions! Stupid.
I don't understand why the ride couldn't simply be restarted. Clearly there is a design flaw if when you press the emergency stop button, you cannot get your riders safely off the ride. I'm aware pressing the emergency stop usually would cut the power to the ride, but I don't understand why the ride couldn't be restarted. Also, it seems daft that the ride could stop like that, if her restraint did fail and the ride stopped in that position, the girl would fall to her death...

Is this possibly a mistake on the ride operator's behalf? I know Rush has two stop systems for different types of emergency, with this being a modern ride it wouldn't surprise me if it had a similar design...
Breaking news... Erm, not.

The reason that the ride couldn't just be brought down using regular procedures?

The mother demanded the fire brigade be brought in because she didn't trust the staff :roll:

So there wasn't a single problem with the ride or procedures - but an enormous amount of problems with the silly bitch of a mother!
I really hope that she has to foot the bill for a false call out!

Why should the tax payer have to fork out for her stupidity. If she didn't trust the ride she should have never let her daughter in the first place. Whats more, even after the ride started, if she thought there was any danger she should have accepted that the ride would not start unless all harnesses were secure and so on. Surely the ride-op would have told her that much?

I've heard of neurotic mothers but this is beyond that. I would be mortified and embarrassed beyond belief if it was my mother who pulled this stunt.