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Favourite theme park sounds

The sound of a chainlift, in my opinion is better off-ride, gives you a kick of adrenaline in preparation for a ride.

Now, another sound which comes in the 'chainlift' package is specific. It's the sound when the car is released from the chainlift, you'll hear it on PMBO all the time, and it's quite an intense sound.
Pssssssssssssssssthhhhhhh CLUNK as air brakes are released and then snap back together.

Magnetic brakes make an immense noise that I can't recreate in words!

And not many parks have this noise, but FNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARP! as an Intamin P&P crests an airtime hill on its upstops. It's a very aggressive noise, I love it!
Obviously Rush! PSSSSSSHHHHHH!!!! Oh and especially the clanking sound of metal being kicked across the path. :wink:

I love the clicking noise which B&M Inverts make when returning to the station.

Xcelerator/Rita/Stealth's launches also sound awesome.

Loud and clanky chains! (I quite like the noise Corkie and Colossus make as they leave the chain lift too!)

The sound of roaring as you pass under Hulk and then you see it shoot out of the tunnel. Same for Jurassic Park as you hear a loud rumble befoer the boat emerges from the building.
The mechanical sounds of all Coasters are good to me.

Mavericks power-up just before the launch sounds good. Collys lift. Nemesis in general.....Oblivion plunging into the tunnel aswell.
UgLand at Alton has been full of some wonderful sounds recently in my opinion. Its got such a distinctive sound with the combination of Corkscrew's lifthill and all the distinctive sounds that Rita makes, with its brake fins dropping and raising, and the 'pssssshhhhh' of the launch every now and then.

Shame the whine of Corkscrew will be gone soon!
Nemesis Inferno said:
Superman at Magic Mountain makes such an awesome jet noise as well when you're stood under the tower...

Are you being serious! That noise drove me bloody mental by the end of my day ha! It was so noisy, then you look up and it barely makes it 3/4s of the way up the track! All that aside, it actually was an awsome ride though. I expected it to be crap.

I think the sound of any Intamin launching coaster really does do it for me. The fins, then the slight few seconds of silence before the launch. Very VERY nice sound!

N the B&M trains going into the station! I forgot about that Ben and Mark. That's catchy, kinda has a beat to it ha! :p
I quite like the colossus rumble noise as it goes round the loop and then the cobra roll. you get a distant, quiet rumble, and then a nice loud rumble.

and, if you're leaning on a support, a back massage.

I also like the vampire chain lift noise and the 'you have been designated for oblivion' announcement.
You know what sound I will miss, the sound of the Corkscrew at Alton Towers when the lift hill chain is going. You can here the sound all the way down at the prirate ride, next year we wont hear it.
I love the sound of Stealth launching, also the sound of the rides coming back into the stations. pisssssth, pissssth, clunk clunk clunk clunk, pisssst of the brake.

I really like the 'The gates are now closing' sounds as well
I love the sound that Stealth makes when it brakes. Its a really burning rubber kind of sound. :p
That weird noise that stealth makes when launching sometimes. You also hear it a lot on RCT3. I don't know really how to explain it. It's a sort of zzzzzzweeeeeeee noise...
Expedition Everest's whistle thing as it goes up the hill into the mountain.

Oh yeah, TTD's launch is pretty cool too.
Great topic.

Dorky responce:
The fart (or as I think, airplane) sounds of Intamin pre-fabs.
The sound of a wooden coaster letting steam out (or whatever sounds like that I don't really know what it is)
The popping or clicking noise B&M hypers make when cresting over hills.
Buzz bars buzzing.
Loud lift hills, like most Arrow's.

Intamin Accelerators.

And the Oblivion VWOOOM--BOOM! When it hits the hole.
I'm sure this has been posted, but one of my favorites is the roar of a B&M. It's such a distinct sound, and when screaming is added to it, the sound is enhanced. It's what get's me going before getting on the ride.
^ I think it sounds a lot like screaming and skulls cracking. No idea why......

I don't believe I missed it out before, but, to jump on the bandwagon, the B&M roar.

Another sound which is quite extraordinary is the sound Pleasure Island somehow get their booster to make. They just seem to run it on such a mental setting that this constant VIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRR can be heard from miles around, like at the other side of the Thorpe park caravan park. It's just riddiculous.

This sound, however, can also be heard alongside Alakazam and the Boomerang, of which also have very distinctive sounds. These sounds, however, are just the sounds of home. I wouldn't say they were my favourite theme park sounds ha!