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Button is very much like a Webber, above average driver but not the driver to build the team around. Pretty much a hedge-your-bets sort of guy.
Yep he's not a team leader and I think this is why mclaren have suffered since lewis left.

Am not saying lewis is a great team leader or number one driver but he will just get in a drive a car and not go on and on about the rear end all the time.

Nico r is very quickly becoming a driver like DC and Rubens. A great number two that on his day can win the odd race or get a pole. Lewis lap today was stunning.

Wonder what's wrong with vettel car today lol :)
Easy win for lewis, nico must feel bad that's a 25 point lead down to 4 points and nico has finished every race.
Very dull race, made almost acceptable by Vettel defying team orders only to get overtaken regardless and some stupid Chinaman waving the flag early resulting in the race being two laps shorter than planned. Good thing Ricciardo didn't overtake Alonso or there'd have been more bad luck for the Australian. The only change to the order was Bianchi finished ahead of Kobayashi instead of the other way round.

In the fantasy F1 I'm still 3rd in the world with 3255 points. I even got a mention on the homepage lol. The CoasterForce group is 8th in the team table too! :)
I've gone up to 4th in group b despite two of my drivers nearly taking themselves out at turn one.

Two of the people above me have the same team so that's going to all be about the bonus points. Loads behind also have the same team as me lol.

I fully expect to start dropping at the next race as Ferrari and rbr should start to easily beat Williams and force India.

Next race Spain normally a follow the leader race.
Thanks for posting. I wasn't aware of Life and needed a good laugh.
Still cannot believe it's 20 years since Imola 1994.

Looking forward to seeing the car event taking place over the next few days.

Been watching the Senna week on Skytv which has been anything but a tribute tbh. They have come under a lot of stick as the people they have had on were never even fans of senna so all they ever do is go on about 1990 and totally forget 1991, 92, 93.

They also had to mute part of the song due to words. Stupid Sky.

So many wrong facts as well. Japan 1990 senna wanted the pole moved due to 1989 where starting on the dirty side made him lose out to Prost. He never won from pole like they said, just things like that pissed me off.

Murry walker had shocked me, why choose a tribute programme to have a dig at the guy. Saying he did not like him, when in the past he said senna was a nice guy that always made time for him.

At least the Prost one was good open and honest, he even half admitted 1989.

Even Ron Dennis, Prost and others have come out saying why are people going on and on about 1990 now and not before. Time and place and the time is not now.

Really pleased they are covering Roland.
Yeah, I've been quite shocked tbh. The time is certainly not now. But we've always known 1990 was disgusting, especially as he got away with it, part of Ferrari's Schumacher defence in 1997 was that it wasn't a problem in 1990 for Senna.

On Murray Walker though, he did say that whilst he didn't like him, he didn't dislike him either. Which is the exact same view as in our house. He was brilliant, but was by no means God or a saint.

Interesting though that the whole paddock from the time thought that he'd gone a bit loopy and became obsessed with beating Schumacher because Senna thought he was cheating. He was the only one who thought this in the whole paddock, because he couldn't believe this "new guy" was as quick as him. Obviously with hindsight we know what Schumacher went on to do, but Senna did not know this. It's like all of the bits that Prost, Berger and Dennis said but got cut out of the Senna film have been released publically now. Whilst the truth is fine, it's a bit disrespectful right now.

RIP Senna and Roland.
Yeah he was obsessed and he was proven to be right in the end. The fuel filler system was illegal, ms got ahead in Brazil at a pit stop. Since worked out that he would not have.

The Benetton was also found to have tc in the software and people that since left Benetton said it was on the car. Senna could hear the tc on the car when he watched it, he reported it and Williams were going to report the car after Imola.

Senna was trying to beat a car he felt illegal and maybe he was pushing to hard. But that was senna and that's what fans of his loved.

What senna found hard to accept was this guy was winning and only a few months before was spinning and his team mate was no where near him. He said the two benettons sounded totally different and pulled out of corners different. If you also remember when jj had to jump in ms spare car he was high up even jj said the car was different to his and felt robbed.

These investigations were done after France then again after Germany.

Also interesting to read senna was trying to leave Williams in 1994 to go to Ferrari.

But yes we all know he did not lift in Japan, we also know Prost turned in on him in 1989. What senna done in 1990 was very wrong to which he admitted.

Yes Murray did say did not like did not dislike just very different to what he said in the past. The other two just used the show to have a dig. Senna's best year ever in f1 was 1993 yet hardly a mention of how he managed to get an under powered car to 5 wins.

Senna did not drive for fun, don't even know if he liked it. He drove to win simple.

The senna film is not looking so good, too much was cut and good honest views.

It's so interesting to see how connected ms and senna were. Had senna not die where would ms have gone and things like that. We were robbed of a great battle.
But Prost didn't. He continues to say that, even in his recent F1 Legends interview. And why would he? He was 16 points ahead and 2nd would have still won him the title. All he did was close the door and Ayrton made a move from a LONG way back.
Prost wanted the championship over before the last race. Had senna won the two races he was champ as remember back then not every race counted.

Prost had more points in 1988 but lost as senna won more so better count back.

Senna was far enough along side when Prost turned in, was the same as when ms turned in on jv.

You need to watch the over head shots, Prost turned so early he would have been on the grass.

Prost said he shut the door did not know senna was there, but then said he did not change his line his wheel was straight when they hit. That's not true. Senna was already breaking the corner was his.

Prost was convinced senna was getting the better engine etc in 88 and 89. Even at the end of Japan 88 Prost got the fia to strip down the gear boxes as he was convinced senna had a different better gear box.
Senna would have been 9 behind after that race if he'd won ahead of Prost. (Senna would have got the 9 points for a win and Prost would have dropped a 3rd for another 2nd).

As it happened Senna crashed out in the wet last race anyway by smashing into the back of someone he was trying to overtake.

Dennis has many times said that Prost did nothing wrong and the only reason McLaren appealed the DQ for Senna was the silly reason for it (rejoining by cutting a chicane). Everyone bar Senna fans knows that Prost would not do it, he was too clever and fair in all of his career.

That's what I don't understand about Senna, it's either for or against. There's no such thing as neutrality, which itself is disappointing. Like what Prost said, "I have no problem with you being a Senna fan, but don't hate me."
Senna had to win the last two races, he had to beat Prost 2nd was no good if Prost won. Cannot remember what it was but maybe Prost had more 2nds or something but I remember senna had to win.

Senna hit brundle who he was lapping could not see him lol.

Yes people have that view about Prost but others who work with him say different. Mansell left Ferrari due to him and hill said Prost was number one at Williams despite Prost saying he never had number one status.

In 1989 senna put his car in a place that Prost could crash into him. Prost shut the door they crashed but could have been avoided. Now days Prost would get the penalty. Racing back then was different.

Prost also got sacked by Ferrari due to the way he was.

He was very clever at being the nice guy.

At silverstone 1989 senna's gear box ended up on Prosts car at Prosts request, senna spun out due to a gear box problem. Prost played the game very cleverly.

I've never actually heard Ron say that about 1989 tbh. I know about what he said about the dq but not that Prost done nothing wrong. In the case mclaren even said Prost turned in on him but here not allowed to use the heli cam video.

I know far too many people who are like that, you either with me or against me. It happens at work all the time as well. You just have to accept it the person. Mansell was like it and yes even Prost was. It's actually really annoying how he is making out he is the perfect guy, the stuff he said in 1989 was beyond a joke.

I wish I still had all my autosports from 1989.

One example

http://www1.skysports.com/formula-1/new ... different-

http://www.f1fanatic.co.uk/2007/12/26/w ... mpionship/

http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/moto ... 46564.html
Finally caught up on the senna week stuff from sky.

So confused by Ron and Prost. Prost says he recommended senna yet Ron said it was Senna that approached him with the Honda engines. Which one is right lol.

Loved the way Ron described Japan 1989, the French ganged up on senna. That the first thing Prost done was run up to the stewards to try and find a way to dq him.

Ron also talked about the illegal Benetton in 1994 and that senna was so angry about it. Ron sort if hinted that he felt senna was driving to hard to beat the illegal car. We will never know if that's why he crashed.

Also Herbert talking about the the drivers briefings that they always ended in a row. Herbert also said Prost admitted to taking senna out in 1989 Japan.

Ron also saying the Senna movie that they used people that did not even know Senna.

I liked the brundle hill and Bruno stuff etc.

I think the sport really lacks these type of drivers, the current crop are all too nice to each other. Was so much better with piquet who hated Mansell, Prost and senna, ms vs hill Mika and jv.
Well looks like we now have two drivers that have lost respect for each other.

5 seconds before nico went off I said all he has to do is park the car.

But people need to stop making this senna vs Prost part 2.
They won't, unfortunately. They build up Hamilton as being Senna-esque (and Lewis does so too tbh) and given recent events etc... it's just good TV for the casual to build it as a narrative.
Hamilton's being a bit of a twat over it to be honest. It was clearly a mistake and Nico did what anyone would do and went down the escape road. Escape road or barrier, both would have brought out yellows.

Hamilton has already decided he did it on purpose and has said he will respond to Nico how Senna did to Prost. ****.

Nico should have put it in the wall nose first then no one would have said anything.

They have been through it all now and lewis can see it was a mistake, he really does need to think before opening his mouth. Best not to say anything straight after the event and the media keep pushing him to say stuff and he does.

The other year lewis had a go on twitter about button deleting him, just to find out button never added him in the first place.

Have tbh on first view I thought it was all very strange the funny steering movement etc, but nico is a clean driver. It's just funny it happened when I finished saying all nico has to do is park the car lol. Nico should not have jumped for joy afterwards though, he messed up Lewis lap plus 5 other drivers.

This is where Indycar have a good rule. If you cause a yellow flag that causes other drivers not to improve you lose your best time.

All drivers should do an alonso, do your talking on the track.

If nico and lewis do crash now everyone will say lewis done that as he said he would. Very very silly.