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Greatest films of all time

If this is a worlds best list, than why weren't anyone non-north American asked to participate??
I call this as "accurate" as the famous "Golden Ticket Award".
Sure they got some of them right, but it's severely lacking on other...
Agreed. The Goonies is the ****. It'll neve get old in my opinion.

Saving Private Ryan is one of the best movies out there as well.
The severe lack of the Naked Gun in the top 5 comedies is annoying as is the lack of Back to the Future in the sci-fi category.

Also, how can Star Wars beat ET in the sci-fi category but ET get in the top 5 of all time?

In other words, Star Wars sucks the big one. I could never get into that movie and I'll never be able to. It's just... Pointless. There's absolutely no reason for the movie to be over two hours long.
Hey, I love Star Wars. I was just pointing out the fact that their list is flawed. The series I could never get into was the Lord of the Rings. Forget over 2 hours, why do we need 3 hour long movies? They were all at least an hour too long.
I know Star Wars is supposedly a really popular movie. It's just something I can never get into. Including Lord Of The Rings.
East Coast(er) General said:
1. Airplane
2. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
I don't have a 'favourite film' as such, I have a top 3. That contains both of these :) (Oh, plus, it's 'Airplane!' ;) )
I know Star Wars is supposedly a really popular movie. It's just something I can never get into. Including Lord Of The Rings.

Ditto. I've watched a few of the Star Wars movies and I was just bored and fell asleep through both of them. Lord of the Rings is a bit better, but I've never been able to finish the first film, haha.

Goonies on the other hand, I just never understood what was so great about it.
Exactly. I was sitting in the movie theater with a couple of friends, watching them fiddle around with their Star Wars Swords. Five minutes through, enough was enough and my ass was out like a light bulb.

I give credit to LOTR for one reason. Elijah Wood. He's gorgeous. The Goonies is such a classic. It's a dorky film, but it's always managed to make me LOL.
Light Sabres! :roll:

Star Wars swords indeed :lol:

The very first Star Wars was ground breaking in so many ways, it deserves a place. It's also a good film actually... Not as great as most Star Wars fans big it up, but it's "good". Empire Strikes Back is a much better film in terms of story and direction, but... You have to be engaged with the characters and plot from the first film for it to effective.

Essentially, the only film worth watching to see if you like the films is the original; that's Episode IV: A New Hope. The rest aren't really worth your time if you've not seen that/don't like it.

The Goonies is excellent, but not for any good reasons. It's Indiana Jones lite and a little bit too twee. Spielberg just makes something out of the dog's dinner it is. Some brilliant adventuring and the fantastic sloth really make up for most of the lacklustre meandering of the film. It's not a good film, but it's fantastically charming and a perfect example of a great kid's adventure movie... Except the dull half an hour or so start.
Aliens and Terminator 2 should be in the top 5 sci fi list :shock:

Great storylines, amazing effects, action. What more do you want?
I still stick with my choices. But I can't believe I forgot all about Terminator 2 :shock: Brilliant movie, hands down.
How weird, I was going to post in this topic last night

East Coast(er) General said:
Best Film:
1. Gone With the Wind
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. The Godfather
4. Casablanca
5. E.T.

Why isn't The Blues Brothers here?

East Coast(er) General said:
Best Comedy:
1. Airplane
2. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
3. Some Like It Hot
4. Young Frankenstein
5. Tootsie

Yep, they forgot The Blues Brothers

East Coast(er) General said:
Best Musical:
1. The Sound of Music
2. Grease
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. Singin' in the Rain
5. West Side Story

Guess what? The Blues Brothers..?

Top film I'd totally forgotten about that ticks so many boxes :)
Not a film buff by any means and I haven't seen most of those films, but I do have to say I'm really shocked The Brave Little Toaster didn't make the animated list. It has an uncanny amount of dark wit and charm to it for a "kid's" movie and it was kind of like an earlier (and arguably BETTER) version of Toy Story (which is to be expected, since John Lasseter worked on both films). But yeah, not unlike most Pixar movies it's an animated film I'm not ashamed to admit liking as an adult, and I think it should have topped the list.
For best film of all time I have to say that while I really do like The Wizard of Oz and it is a classic and very iconic I'm not sure I'd put it up there in the top 5. Also, I recently watched the Godfather and honestly, I was bored. I know that sounds bad but I am not much a critic of movies and for me everything was way too drawn out. Too long for it's own good and a few too many characters to really connect with most of them. As for E.T. making the list...I think there are many movies that are better...

For suspense, all I have to say is that I also recently watched The Shining for the first time (I've been watching a lot of the classics lately) and it was honestly the scariest movie I have seen in my teenage life. Have yet to see Silence of the Lambs but I will suggest it for movie night, lol.

I think they really hit the nail on the head with best lines but best kissed...well I get where they are going with Lady and the Tramp but come on!