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"Green Lantern" B&M Stand Up for SFGAdv

UC said:
I'm still waiting for that ridiculous "it's being converted to floorless!" rumor to show up again.

For the record, I don't believe it's possible, because I'm fairly certain the train heights on stand-up and floorless B&M trains are different, which means the heartlining for a ride designed for one would be thrown off with the other's trains on it.

I'm far more confident that Marcus's assessment is the more accurate one...and it isn't like SF hasn't shown us they're okay with putting two nearly identical ride types in the same park (La Ronde and the SLC/BTR).

i have nolimits and i switched mantis at cedar point to floorless and the heart line barley changed i think it would be possible but not probable
Of course, as you can tell on the difference between an Arrow and B&M, a foot or so in the heartline can be a HUGE different.
Here's a image that shows where Chang will go shall it be placed here:

http://sfgamworld.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... 69#p182469

ZBA Meeting, 05/26/2010

Park president Hank spoke to the Zoning Board of Appeals tonight in regards to a height variation petition submitted by the park. The request was done as the park is looking to add a new coaster to the front of the park, in the space that used to be home to the Space Shuttle ride.

Hank started out his presentation by saying that Six Flags was in the process of relocating a coaster from another park, and they have picked Six Flags Great America to be that park. Two height variations were asked for tonight: One for the lift hill of the ride, which is 150 feet, and a 2nd at 137 feet. No mention of what part of the ride would be at the 137 foot mark.

Hank also said that the ride is a big one, and has a big footprint. It will be a steel Stand up coaster, made by B&M.

When asked by members of the board what the name of the new coaster would be, Hank's reply was "They were still working on a name".
137ft is probably the Loop height.. as no other part of the ride comes close.. besides maybe the dive loop.
The other thing could be that the top of the drop is 137ft high, because it doesn't drop straight away after the lift hill, but dips down.
I'd have to guess that someone probably did at least a cursory check that there's enough room before applying for building permits.
There's plenty of room. They're going to have to remove some trees and probably build the back of the coaster in the parking lot, but it'll definitely fit.
Just to get y'all's opinion, what do you think of the new rumour that has popped up?

A new rumor has come up over the weekend at SFGAdv (New Jersey) that claims that the park may now be planning to replace their Great American Scream Machine coaster with CHANG. Up until now Chang has been all but confirmed for Six Flags Great America, with even a few pieces and the trains already spotted on site. The meetings to obtain the needed height variance permit are all but over... with the final approval meeting expected to take place today... Monday, June 21st.
While I haven’t seen it myself, I’ve heard a rumor that the Six Flags issue may have been unexpectedly removed from the agenda for tonight’s meeting, which only adds fuel to the fire that Chang could now be looking for a new home. Of course the online version of the agenda still shows it there, waiting to be finalized. I had been told that as soon as Al Weber took control of Six Flags, he began to made huge and immediate changes to the plans set in place for the 2011 season by Shaprio. I guess we’ll know more once the Monday meeting is over if the proposal to add Chang has been dropped or not.

ws - (6/21/10) A new rumor has come up over the weekend that may anger more than a few fans of Six Flags Great Adventure. If there is any truth to it, the new management calling the shots may be considering removing the park’s infamous Great American Scream Machine coaster. While at first the move seems shocking… keep in mind that GASM’s sister ride, Shockwave at the Chicago park, also met with a similar fate a few years ago. Of course it’s also well know that Shockwave, the first of the three Arrow made Six Flags Megaloopers (Viper at SF Magic Mountain was the final one) did suffer from a fair share of problems that the other two did not.
So the next question would obviously be to ask what reason there would be to remove such an iconic ride? According to the discussion going on at CoasterFusion, plans have been spotted at the park that now place CHANG… the B&M Stand-Up Coaster from Kentucky Kingdom, as possibly going into GASM’s spot. Up until now Chang has been all but confirmed for Six Flags Great America near Chicago… with a few pieces and the trains already spotted on site. Meetings have been taking place with the local government as well to get a height variance permit to build the ride there as well, with the final approval meeting expected to take place on Monday, June 21st.
While I haven’t seen it myself, I’ve heard a rumor that the Six Flags issue may have been unexpectedly removed from the agenda for tonight’s meeting, which only adds fuel to the fire that Chang could now be looking for a new home. Of course the online version of the agenda still shows it there, waiting to be finalized tonight. I had been told that as soon as Al Weber took control of Six Flags, he began to made huge and immediate changes to the plans set in place for the 2011 season by Shaprio. I guess we’ll know more once the Monday meeting is over if the proposal to add Chang has been dropped or not.
Courtesy of Screamscape.

They did kinda the same thing at SFGAm when they tore out Viper.. but put in the new Superman.

Al Weber is changing stuff around.. so this might just be a true rumor. SFGAdv could use a standup much more then SFGAm.
^because they already have one, albeit a crappy one, but there's no need for two stand ups in one park. And you're right, Weber is already making changes on the board and everything. Taking out all of the ESPN that Shapiro brought in.
BRAKING NEWS (necessary for DP):

Screamscape's sources have confirmed that Great American Scream Machine will end its life on July 1st, and Chang will be replacing it for 2011.

Screamscape sources tell us that the rumors from this past weekend are true and that not only is GASM set to end it’s life at Six Flags Great Adventure on July 1st, but Chang will indeed be coming to the park to take up it’s place in 2011. As for that mystery 5D project... it’s dead for now
And as for SFGAm, they said that they were going to focus on expanding Hurricane Harbor for the 2011 season after not getting Chang.