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Have You Ever Been Evacuated?!


Strata Poster
I'm absolutely positive a topic was about like this before but a search of "been evacuated" doesn't find one.

So yeah, have you ever had to be evacuated froom a coaster/ride? If so what was it and where was it? I think it would be a pretty cool experience to be evacuated from the middle of the circuit, like on one of the block brakes.

We got evacuated from Dragon Kahn last July, it was only from the brake run at the end though so we didn't get as good a view as to if it would have been on the lift hill :lol: (at least we got to ride the damn thing!)
Some daft chav bitch jumped off a log on Loggers Leap a while ago when I was on it- they Estopped the ride and we had to get out when we got round to land and walk back along the CCR tracks- we all got exit passes for Colossus (which isn't exactly a good thing :lol: ).

I also got stuck on Slammer a few years back- it stalled in the freezing rain and we were stuck up in the air for over an hour. The fire brigade and ambulance were called (turned up with flashing blue lights)- very exciting. I got a free annual pass out of that too!
Evacuated off The Ultimate when it stalled just before the second lift hill.

There was another one I'm sure of it, but my mind has blanked.
All the water drained out of Loggers Leap when we were on it once, scraped aroudn the circuit and stopped just before the final lift. Didn't get anythign like Sam, but we were only stuck for 5mins, just walked along the railway back into the park.
When I was at Pleasure Island last year I did Terror Rack for the first time and I got stuck at the top on it for 10 mins. (not upsidedown) Then after they got us down they had to close it for the rest of the day.
I have been evacuated from valhalla, just before the last drop. We went out the back of the building.

I have watched Loggers get evacuated, as the log sank just before the first lift.

I been on many ride break downs. They were Stealth on the transfers, Air last brake block x2, Slammer in the air and on the ground x3, Inferno brakes.
I have never been evacuated off a ride, but have been stuck on rides.

I have been stuck at the top of Slammer, bot for long but the weather was ****, so got cold very quickly, but we got exit passes out of that. We then went to another ride to use the exit pass, cant remember which one, but yeah.

Just before closing my mate and I went back to Slammer to give it another go as the queue was quite short and was going to be our last ride of the day. We where next to go on in the queue and the bloody thing got jammed at the top and the queue was evac'd and we all got exit passes, yet again :D! My mate and I went over to Samauri and used the exit passes to get on. We got on and then that got ****ing stuck, it stalled in the air mid ride at the top. We weren't completly upside down but wasn't the most comfotable of positions. Everyone was laughing at us in the queue line and 15-20mins later I was getting really pissed off and satrted swearing and shouting at them, which I got told off for! Got exit passes out of that,so went and rode Loggers Leap, which didn't break down, this was 30mins after the park had closed :p

Have also been stuck at the top of the lift hill and at the bottom before you enter the station of Tidal Wave. The OP's refused to give us exit passes so went and moaned to Customer Services and there was about 4 of us and we got 2 each :lol:.

So if you want to 'con' a park out of exit passes, go to Thorpe! :p
Best part of an hour on Colossus' lift hill (earning an exit pass for Stealth on opening day for the experience).

Also been evacuated from Valhalla three times - once from right at the top behind the waterfall. We got to walk right through the entire back of the ride and it was cool, wet and manky.

Probably others too, but they stick :D
No, thank goodness!

As much as I love the height of roller coasters, I would pretty much hate it if I were atop the three hundred foot hill on Millennium Force and had to be evacuated.

I have never really been on a breakdown on a coaster before, and I hope I never have to be on one, as even when I've been on a coaster and the train stops momentarily on the lift, I piss myself.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
As much as I love the height of roller coasters, I would pretty much hate it if I were atop the three hundred foot hill on Millennium Force and had to be evacuated.

Sorry a bit random, but can you actually be evacuated off of Millennium Force? From the pictures and videos that I have seen there are only railings at the very top and very bottom of the lift hill and nothing in between?
So far I havnt been in an evac and some people would say "your not a true enthusiast till you are in an evac". well I tend to avoid Valhalla as I dont ride it if im on my billy-tod.
^I think they can just release the cable's clutch and let the train roll back down. I have no idea as this picture shows no stairs on the lift.


I don't think I've ever been evacuated from a ride. At least, I can't remember being evacuated. I feel like I'm missing out on something... :(
Ultimate after a rollback.

The tractor ride thingie at the Gullivers eco park... lol.

I swear theres something else!

Oh and Ben, you kinda got evacuated off Colossus that time when the train didn't even get out of the station fully, lol.
I thought there was a little car that goes up and down MF's lift hill collecting people, not unlike what happens on Sheikra.


Notice the "rails" the car rides on are similar to that which can be found on MF.

Edit- Mwhaha, knew it.

Yeah, I have.

From Valhalla back in May of last year, it was in the hot steamy room before the backwards drop, but they pulled us out of the room and we had to use a little draw bridge thingy to get out, was quite cool.
Got to walk through the whole of the ride with the lights on. It was, as furie said it, manky. You could see all of boats getting maintained and stuff like that.

Got an exit pass for it, but never went back on it again, as it was one of them, tell the person in the shop and they'll call through.

Been stuck on various rides loads of times though.
I was riding Test Track once when it either broke down or Estopped right out of the hot/cold chambers. We just started to pick up speed when it stopped and it gave me a nice bit of whiplash. I was rewarded for my trouble with an exit pass for the ride and a walk along the track and backstage.

Also, how do they evac inverts and floorless coasters from the lift or brakes? Is there some kind of platform they place above the track so people can walk off?
I am sure Air has a traveling platform that goes to the top of the lift but im not sure about the breaks on other coasters.
In short (Oblivion)
All of X-sectors rides stopped
Covered by weird blanket thingy
Evacutated after 15 minutes
First on when hail stopped, YAY

Quite short (Engima)
Brakes broke at end of ride, and both trains got stuck, ours at the end, and second I think was automatically stopped by the ride-op mid ride, but only our train was evacuated at first, then the train was pushed along to let the other train down, then they were evacuated.
That's probaly why they scrapped 3 of the trains :cry:
Also, how do they evac inverts and floorless coasters from the lift or brakes? Is there some kind of platform they place above the track so people can walk off?
There is a platform that the ride ops build underneath the train. The guest get off using it.

I'm sure someone else can give a better explaination, but that's the basics of it.