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Have you ever stayed up longer than 24 hours?

Have you ever stayed up longer than 24 hours?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Ha! 24 hours, I've stayed up more than 48!

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I've hit 49 at it's peak, I think. Had an all nighter the day before we flew off on holiday, and then due to an early morning flight didn't sleep the day after, and by then didn't sleep till late the next day.
Yes i have stayed up 24 hours or more a few times. Mostly in birthday parties though.

One time, i went to a birthday party in a Place called PlayZone. I'm not sure if there's more than one Playzone dotted around the UK, but it's got slides a ball pool and swings and you basically spend 24 hours there.

It was great. But i only had a few hours to recover till School began.

This is a picture of the Place i spent 24 hours in :



Although i was knackered, it was an Awesome birthday party. :--D
That photo is from the Southampton Playzone, and the Sketch is from the Cardiff one.

Don't ask me how I know that. :lol:
Yeah, i don't think ill ask you how you know that.

But yeah, i googled it, and that's the only photos i could find. :--D
The map one is actually from Swansea's. :lol:
SnooSnoo said:
Yeah.. somewhere around 30 once. Over 24 hours about 3-4 times. That was back in my prime tho.. im much to old for that.. :lol:

Gosh you Americans age quickly!

I've stayed up that long quite a few times...
It's usually when I go on holiday. I can't sleep because of excitement and packing the last few things. Then by the time I decide to sleep, it's time to go to the airport and I can't sleep on planes. I look forward to plane food way too much! I dunno what it is about plane food...
Oh god yes.

It started with high school band camp where friends and I would stay up for 3 days straight (yes, there are plenty of Band Camp stories out of that :razz: ) which then evolved to going 4 days without sleep regularly my final year of high school, just screwing around with friends and having a good time of it.

In the end, I actually couldn't go back to sleep, and was diagnosed with narcolepsy for a couple of weeks!
supersion said:
The map one is actually from Swansea's. :lol:
I meant to say Swansea's but thought 'Wales', and Cardiff was automatically the first word that came into my head. :lol:

The one in Swansea is hidden away, and we didn't know where it was. We were driving around for an hour and a half trying to find it once after we had been to the cinema, even most the locals didn't know where it was.
Once we found it though it was too late to go in. :(
I've done 36 hour sessions on two occasions, and have no great desire to do so again. I can cope without sleep for a while, but it eventually starts to catch up with me.

My body clock has run on "inverse GMT" on several occasions, usually during my student days, or during long (3+ day) LAN parties.
Yes, twice I can remember:

First time was to California. Up at 4am UK Time, flight left at 11am. Following a 10 hour flight (which I stayed awake for) we got there at 1pm California time. Then I got to sleep about one in the morning. So that was about 31 hours I think.

Second time was going to a school trip to Switzerland. Sunday got up at 10am and coach left at 10pm so that's 12 hours already. Then a sleep-less 19 hour coach journey. (take an hour off due to time difference.) We arrived about 6pm Switzerland time and I got to sleep about midnight that day. 38 hours then.

Never done more than 48 and I doubt I ever will. I hate long periods without sleep as I seriously always feel like **** everytime I'm awake for more than 18 hours.
Technically no, I like my sleep too much. I have done a couple of 'stints' where i've been up for well over 24 hours without any 'proper' sleep. Namely when I went to Spain with Martyn, Mark and Pierre last summer. We all did the same basically. I got up about 7am on the sunday before departure and drove to Southend. Had some beer, a kebab and watched some tv, and it was gone midnight. We needed to be up for 3 to get to the airport for 5, so I ended up having half an hour's sleep on an armchair, and woke up feeling horrible because of lack of sleep and some beer.

Got on the plane at Stansted, it broke, we eventually got off, waited, got on another, missed our take-off slot and eventually got away about half 10, not the original 7am as planned. So, there went another sleep possibility, and I ended up with probably another half an hour on the plane, because its impossible for me to sleep properly on a plane. Got to Spain and went straight to Port Aventura. Left to check into the hotel at about 6pm, with the intention of sleeping. That never happened and we just had tea and went back to the park, which was open til midnight. We got back to the hotel about 1-ish, and went for a drink in the bar til about half-2am and then eventually went to bed. That totalled about 43 hours with a couple of crap half-hour sleeps. It was a laugh though, i was just dead after it!
Yes on 3 different occasions. I do love my sleep though.

Firstly, when I went to France with me school in June last year.
I was up at half 6 to pack and get to school by 8. I think we all went to bed about 11pm that night. For some reason, I couldn't sleep at all that night and I remember not falling asleep once as I can remember everything that occured that night. We got up at 7 the next morning and by the time 5pm came around, I was fast asleep and missed dinner. :lol:
Total of 37.5 hours awake.

Next was GhosterForce last year. Up at 5am to pack and get ready, out at half 6 followed by a full day at Legoland then a late night of sitting in hotel rooms chating. Went to bed at 3 the next morning. So that's already getting on for 24 hours. Didn't sleep at all again either, no idea again why but I can remember all what happened that night as well. Was up at 7 followed by a full day at Thorpe. When you fall asleep on a hard floor full of people, you know you're shattered. Went to bed at 10, got like 2 hours kip before everything kicked off again and then was up till like 4.
So that's a total of something like 45 hours.

Finally was the Scotland Live. xD
Was up at 7 for school, then a killer journey up north. Midnight came before deciding to call it a night. Couldn't sleep again lol. And again, no idea why. I eventually fell asleep at like 6 to be woken up 3 hours later.
So that's a total of 24 hours.

I don't want to be awake longer than 24 hours again, but I know it'll more than likely happen again soon. I just find it hard to sleep in "new" places for the first time which is now thinking about it probably the reason why I didn't sleep at all them 3 nights.
I'm the kind of person that doesnt go out and talks to people on msn or play games and stuff.

But I've never been up for 24 hours.

Most I've done is 21 and that was bad. I likes sleep
The other week i didn't sleep sleep for 46 hours+....

Was up from 6.30am on a friday, then had a party in the evening, and danced non-stop from 10.30pm til 4.30am the next morning with 9minute breaks every hour.
Then we just couldn't sleep, so decided to talk in accents, and then throw pizza at people sleeping in the tent.... And drew on them aswell... That took up about about 2 hours, then me and someone from the tent ran around the house looking for our friend who we thought we'd lost... that took an hour, then we watched St Trinians... Then everyone woke up..... I just wasn't tired...
Then i had to go home, did piss all. Then went out for a meal with the family in the evening. Wasn't tired..... And i was up til 4.30am the next morning. Fun times huh?

Yes I have stayed up longer than 24 hours, when my dad was rushed to hospital because he had burst appendics in 2006. I had been up since 6:30am to go to school until 5:00am the next day, waiting for my mum to ring and give me an update.

I did regret it the next day though, when I struggled to keep my eyes open. But I did sleep at hospital when I went to visit my dad; luckily he was sleeping as well so he didn’t mind.
Come to think of it, I probably have.

After a friend's party, we crashed at his place and four of us stayed up all night, including me. We all then went to McDonald's in the morning at 7am!
Yeah, whenever I go out in a city.

I start dieing at 9am, but then go past tiredness and don't end up sleeping atall!
Came pretty close to staying up for a full day yesterday, but it was more like twenty-two hours instead of twenty-four. I was up from 4:30 in the morning until 2:30 in the morning of the next day.