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Heide Park | Flug Der Dämonen | B&M Wing Coaster

Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

It doesn't look permanent, it just looks like something that can be picked up and tossed in the back of a truck and moved elsewhere.
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

I found these on Coasterfriends.de

Stunning and so surreal.




Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

I don't mean to spam but those are just freakin' gorgeous. Especially the last one with Colossos in the background.
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

That last picture is just stunning! I'm really looking forward to this ride, by the way.
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

The trains have arrived!

Without theming, that is. - Anyone know if they did the same with the other Wing Coasters and then added theming later?


Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

They did indeed do the same with the other trains. The only ones that have images showing them unloaded without theming is of Raptor, X-Flight and Wildeagle. But I take it they have to do it with all the wingriders, and with all coasters now just thinking of it(depending on distance from manufacturer).
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

This layout looks incredibly unique- it's the kind of clever stuff I've wanted to see B&M design for a while now.
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

Wow just checked this out, this is looking to be the coolest layout of the Wing-Riders to me!

Desperately need to go to Heide Park next year, so many good coasters I need to go on! Anyone want to come? :)
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

^Absolutely! Just pick a date ;)

I haven't been on a (B&M) wing rider yet, which is a shame really :( And this will be the closest one! And I'm always glad to return to the amazing Colossos, Krake, Scream etc... Heide really is a gem!
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

I might be able to visit Heide next year and go on this beauty! :D (not 100% sure, but it's likely)
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

So Heide had a press event about the new coaster.

-no name yet
-there will be a single rider line
-testing will probably begin in November(surprise :)
-loading gauge will be used to it´s limits by centimeters :D
-from the reports of yesterday, theming will be a main part for this(way to go Heide Park, great)

And the pictures, oh god, this thing looks incredible.





www.coasterfriends.de/forum/4108-2014-n ... k-124.html
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

Neither do I. It's a copy and paste job from what I can only assume was a bad translation.
Re: Heide Park | Unknown | B&M Wing Coaster

I'd imagine they're referring to clearances. That last picture makes the inversion look odd.