In london, in a supermarket, if your a kid you get stalked no matter what you wear. However on road the police see this : white kid in element hoody=harmless skater, black guy in nike hoody=offending youth;must arrest or at least search, white guy in nike hoody=harmless street yob or black guy in vans hoody=confused child.....But also it all depends on how you rock the hoody. If its 35 degrees and you got a blacked out hoody on with ur hood up, your a fool and deserve to be stopped, however if its freezing and raining and you've got yout hood up, then its aight. But I must say it really does matter what hood you wear. Sporting makes usually will lead to trouble, however richer make hoodys like gucci or something wont be attracting as much attention. And as mack said people shouldnt get trreated for how they dress. Me personally, I'll wear a hoody or whatever piece of clothing I want, when I want, Where I want.
Also police and stereotypes assume that you wear a hoody if your out to steal. Most people buy hoodys for 3 reasons. They look good, The hood is handy and thats what the majority of jumpers are nowadays