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How drugs work...

LiveForTheLaunch said:
It's not about really enhancing your life, you can say that about anything then. You can say that a computer is unnecessary, because it enhances our life. You can say that Ipods and cameras are unnecessary, because it enhances our life. Movie theaters and theme parks can also be considered unnecessary because entertainment venues are only good for bringing us some kind of fun. So what's the difference between going to a movie theater for two hours with friends, or sitting and smoking weed? It's something to do recreationally for most, not something needed to enhance life. I only do it every once in a while and it's certainly not for the purpose of enhancing my life :p . It's just for fun or something to do with friends, same as drinking really.
I can see what you mean, but you are talking about drugs. It's not really the same as a computer is it?

LiveForTheLaunch said:
I hallucinated really bad once, and it was while driving. On my way to work. But yah, it wasn't the best experience because it was at night and unless I was paying attention, every single street light on the side of the road was a truck about to run into my car.
You drove after smoking weed?

Just for the record, I have no problem with people smoking weed, and I've done it a few times myself, but like Joey it just doesn't really do anything for me.
I can see what you mean, but you are talking about drugs. It's not really the same as a computer is it?

Yes but all of the things I listed go beyond the basic necessities of humans, meaning that their purpose really just is to enhance our lives or to make our lives easier. I never said a computer and drugs were the same thing.

You drove after smoking weed?

Just for the record, I have no problem with people smoking weed, and I've done it a few times myself, but like Joey it just doesn't really do anything for me.

Yes I did, it was definitely stupid but we all make mistakes.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I can see what you mean, but you are talking about drugs. It's not really the same as a computer is it?

Yes but all of the things I listed go beyond the basic necessities of humans, meaning that their purpose really just is to enhance our lives or to make our lives easier. I never said a computer and drugs were the same thing.
Sounded like it to me. I'm not having a go at you, just pointing it out.

You drove after smoking weed?

Just for the record, I have no problem with people smoking weed, and I've done it a few times myself, but like Joey it just doesn't really do anything for me.

Yes I did, it was definitely stupid but we all make mistakes.[/quote]
Wow, considering how 'terrified' you are of driving that really surpirses me. I've driven cars wasted (on fields on private land) and even though it's great fun, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, I would NEVER go anywhere near a real road. Ever.
There was a test done a few years ago. They took six drivers out on a test track (cone slalom, reverse parking, emergency stops - that kind of thing) and timed them all "straight". Penalties were added for making mistakes, killing kittens, that kind of thing.

Then they gave two drivers a beer, two drivers a spliff and kept the other two as a straight group.

Then they sent them out again. Then back in for another beer/spliff/cup of tea.

The results found that obviously the straight group performed consistently with their first run. The drinkers immediately increased their pace and increased their penalties. So the time to complete got lower, but the number of penalties they incurred increased (by a huge amount towards the end).

The dope smokers times increased, but their penalties decreased from their first run. The dope smokers in the end were the slowest around the course, but picked up the fewest penalties. It's not really a shocking result to honest. Drinking increases aggression and impairs decision making abilities. So they drive faster and make mistakes.

Dope makes you very cautious and distracted. It naturally causes a slow down and you do things much more carefully (you're more likely to make mistakes due to decreased physical abilities, but this is countered by the amount of time and effort put into it :lol: ).

Obviously this doesn't condone the taking of dope and driving - it's a silly thing to do. You're still in a poor mental state to be driving around in a 1 ton killing machine. UK breathalisers (and I assume others too) can pick up dope use as well as alcohol. I don't think it measures the blood/dope like it does blood/alcohol - but it does give the police the right to take you in for a blood test for an accurate measure. I think that's right anyway, if Ian or somebody can confirm it?

Anyway, I've now watched the next two in this series: Cocaine and Ecstasy. Both drugs I know what the effects of people taking it are (no personal experience this time), but no idea what the physiological effects are.

Coke is essentially a "coaster high" :lol: It's exactly the same physiological change that we get when riding a huge, scary, fast roller coaster. Adrenaline and Dopamine are released and that's what the hit is. It's different to a coaster high though, as coke stops the re-absorption of the triggers in the brain, so instead of having that immediate "come down", the brain produces more and more adrenaline and dopamine for the next half an hour or so until the chemical is flushed from the body. So I think everyone reading this has personal experience of what a coke user gets from their first ever snort (an abridged version :lol: ).

There was more about the long term effects on the neurons. That the receptors die off with over use so it gets harder and harder to get as much adrenaline and dopamine triggered, so you need to take more and more coke. This is why it's not physically addictive, but mentally addictive - you simply can't produce enough feel good dopamine in a normal way to feel normal all the time. It's coke that causes this by the way, not over production through too much coaster riding :)

E and MDMA was something a little different. It's all about Serotonin production. This is the chemical that makes us feel "content". Most people who suffer depression often have a shortage of serotonin and the depression is simply that they don't have enough to keep their mood high.

MDMA causes this to be produced massively which is what causes the entire "I love you" thing. It also focusses the part of the brain that works on repetition and turns the focus to hearing which is why people like repetitive music while up :) On top it creates adrenaline too which works against the serotonin and means you're full of being anxious (fight or flight) while loving everyone and being calm. This comes out as a bit of a conflict and you need to move to deal with the adrenaline (dance).

Quite cool I guess.

Again, focus on the negative sides with some pretty nasty and shocking images of operations and people who have lost loved ones.

One thing I have noticed (and this backs Joey up) is how selfish drug taking really is. While people may be doing things all together, it's actually a very personal and self indulgent thing. E particularly makes people feel empathic, but in reality its all just in their head. They may feel like they've made a best friend with somebody for half an hour, but in reality they've just got on somebody's tits :lol:

It's not going to stop me from enjoying it mind - there are lots of things we all enjoy which are self-centred, but yeah, I do see Joey's point a little more now :)
I've been smoking for a year off and on, and I've learned a lot from it actually (Or I simply perceive it that way).

During the past few years I've also talked to dozens of other people about this very same topic: The value of drugs on an individual.

I'd like to add something to the conversation that hasn't been said exactly. It was touched on by furie's reference to the driving experiment where he mentioned that people under the influence of cannabis are generally more "careful" and "distracted". From my experience these feelings stem from an increased amount of focus during a high. Whatever you decide to let your mind focus on gets magnified and you tend to put blinders up that minimize other facets of your life.

For example, conversation becomes more enjoyable because people tend to over-think and marvel at specific things said. This is what generally trips up less experienced users. If someone gets too high for their mind's capability, they won't be able to process information quickly enough since they are so lost in the detail of their experience.

But what I would like to propose is that cannabis can be used to increase enjoyment in learning, and even can be used to increase skill in certain areas.

As for a personal example, I've been experimenting with playing halo reach multiplayer both under the influence and sober. I play a noticeable bit better and I enjoy it more. I find it more interesting and I can easily pick up on the subtle complexities of competitive play quicker. Though that's probably a silly example for you, my audience, I believe it has some merit logically.

I do believe the same would be true for people learning most anything else. Musical instruments are so popular amongst people who smoke mainly because it gives them something to learn and focus on that's relevant to their culture.

But it's not like I'm bringing you straight research material or anything :/

I just think people need to know that it's more complicated psychologically than if cannabis simply made you dumber.