I think it's difficult because a "sexual attraction" (i.e. finding somebody sexy) is a very subjective thing for everyone. However, I think there has to be a basic "attractiveness" there to start with to easily be sexy.
Ian said:
Hmm, I do not consider myself good looking at all, I'm harly a pretty boy but I'd like to think there's something sexy about me. I think my attitude, personality and cheeky smile give me an edge of sexiness.
I totally agree. I think that as long as you're not ugly, how sexy you actually are comes mostly from personality, confidence and basically, putting it out there that you want sex. You have to be sending out the right signals in the right way.
So in those terms, I probably don't class myself as particularly sexy. I've never really been particularly confident in "presenting myself sexually", though I'm far from a dour wall-flower in practical clothing. I just kind of wait for women to come to me, rather than chasing them because I don't have the confidence in my own sexiness. However, it happens and I've never been long without a girlfriend or " **** buddy" - and they don't want to ditch me, so I must have something.
Though like Jerry, once you reach a certain age (as I have), your bank balance, ability to provide a secure environment for a child and age withered genitals become much more attractive to an older woman than a washer board stomach - honest