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How to not lose any lunch on a spinning ride.


Roller Poster
As the title suggests. I used to love spinny rides when I was a bit younger but after an experience on that goddamn Avatar Airbender thing at Blackpool a year or so ago I've been put off. I didn't make a mess, years of clubbing have given me wherewithal to keep it in, but it was almost a bad one!

Question is, what can one do to negate the nausea? Does Dramamine work? Anyone got any sly tips?

I feel your pain!

I am prone to motion sickness, even on roller coasters. However, I have found that a combination of Allegra and Dramamine works pretty well for me. Most people don't realize that Dramamine is an antihistamine, this is why I believe Allegra also helps.

I will normally take an Allegra the night before I go to a park, then 2 Dramamine with breakfast and 2 more with lunch. This will usually keep me walking straight all day. In my case though, I will still avoid rides with excessive spinning.

I think the most important part is getting an antihistamine in your system at least the night before. I know that Allegra takes time to fully kick in, but it is also longer lasting than Dramamine. I have heard that people who use Dramamine for sea sickness say to take some the day before as well.
Nice one, I'll have to stock up. I'm lucky to be ok on coasters but spinny rides do me in these days. I love them though! Especially frisbees. I'll try this at the weekend.

Good man!
Stay hydrated.

Dehydration is the biggest cause for light-headedness, nausea, and fainting in the park. By keeping up on your water intake, that will allow your body to cope with higher g-force on flat/spin rides.
Don't eat lunch!! Seriously though I think I've heard not to close your eyes, as that makes it worse. Also try taking small sips if water before riding.
Ride the spinny stuff in the morning?

Otherwise, I get motion sickness fairly easily, especially on simulators. I find motion sickness tablets (such as the Dramamine you mentioned, although you can't get that in the UK) work very well, and you also need to try and keep your head as still as possible; the more you look around, the dizzier you will get.
As I got older (but never grown up), my disposition for spiny rides has diminished. I don't know why.

If I have to go on a spinning ride then I make sure I'm fully hydrated, jacked up on pain killers and about an hour after eating.
I tend to only do spinny rides if it's a type I haven't tried before, or if it's been a while since I've done one.

I don't feel nauseous on them, but they tend to give me a headache. I don't enjoy the vast majority of them, so don't feel like I'm missing out if I don't bother.
Re: How to not lose any lunch on a spinning ride.vr

Thanks for ze tips folks. I tried the morning logic at blackpool but it wrote me off for a wee bit. I did miss the hydration bit though I jacked myself up with a couple of six shot beasts from Starbucks which was probably ill advised. I reckon I'll give it a go using the tips kindly provided and if I still feel like shiz I'll have to I've it up until i finally get to cedar point so I can rinse max air!

I wonder whether it's a bit like fighters taking too many shots to the grill, eventually your body's just like "nuh uh, ain't happening homeboy".

Strangley though I'm ok with spinning coasters but I guess the spinning isn't anywhere near as intense or prolonged.
Re: How to not lose any lunch on a spinning ride.vr

JammyDee said:
I jacked myself up with a couple of six shot beasts from Starbucks

This reminded me of another piece of advice I had forgotten about. Avoid acids. Apparently, acidic drinks like coffee and orange juice make you stomach easier to upset.
I've always made the same habits when visiting parks.
I eat large breakfast's early in the morning which gives me plenty of energy all day and don't eat too much throughout the day.
After lunch, or whatever it is I eat halfway through the day I go and do kiddie areas. So getting the credits and experiencing the kiddie rides after I eat is the thing that will least upset my stomach. That method seems to always work for me. And drink nothing but water.