Wow I'm an idiot, when I went the other day I noticed the back lot and entrance was changed since I was last back there. I thought there was only an entrance to CP Shores back there now! Whoops. We won't have an issue getting the creds, but let's pray it's not windy.
I'm always an early bird so I'll probably be at the gates 15 minutes prior. On the 10th as I said before I'm going to be there all day and so I'll probably just have a chill day doing a few of my favourite creds and maybe hit up the water park if I feel up to it. I likely won't be in the park that day until closing, and
@Snoo you can provide me with cabin details since I'll be there to get lit, as they say. I'll be looking forward to my filet mignon cooked blue rare for the cookout, thanks

(jokes obvs)