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I'm better off without you...

slappy mcguire

Mega Poster
There are some things in life that you regret, but are drawn to, ruining the rest of the day, because you should've known better. Visits to theme parks are often like this; you know there is a reason you don't ride ride x, but yet that reason doesn't re-occur to you until you are being 'strapped in...'

When I visited Thorpe for the first time, this summer, I bought a fast -track ticket for the main rides. On that list, was X:WTF, and although part of the pass, I decided NOT to go on the ride, to further sully what was already something of a mediocre day.

What my question is, it this: are there rides that a park would actually be BETTER OFF removing, without a natural replacement?
Waldameer could do without Steel Dragon. It sits in the back, away from everything.. the capacity is low.. and the ride is just poor. I'd take more picnic areas then that farce.
X does certianly not deserev to be removed as it is still popular, also a much better roller coaster could be put in the building so it certainly should be replaced if it were to be removed.

I don't think you can say anything should be removed and not replaced, but it fyou mean with something very similar, then Obliterator at Pleasure Island should go.
So on your first visit to a park, you didn't try out a particular coaster? You didn't give a ride a chance, purely based on, presumably, what you've read on here? And now you're starting a topic based around such narrow-mindedness?

gavin said:
So on your first visit to a park, you didn't try out a particular coaster? You didn't give a ride a chance, purely based on, presumably, what you've read on here? And now you're starting a topic based around such narrow-mindedness?


Whilst in principle I agree with Slappy, the example given is a poor one and I agree with Gavin's view on it.

X is a sizeable coaster and it's not what I'd really think of "nothing but a credit". If it was an apple or go-gator, et al. Then yeah, by all means don't go on them. But what you HAVE put forward is, as Gavin fairly put, "narrow-mindedness".
X was maybe a bad example, and I didn't so much set out not to go on it, more simply couldn't be arsed with it because of the reputation; it was more down to the moany company I was in, and simply didn't see the point. By the same token, I made a point of riding G-Force at Drayton, to see if it was really as bad as people say, and tbh, didn't mind it.

As parks are trying to 'sell a dream' so to speak, a bad experience can sully the day out, and can't help wonder if some rides within a park which are simply unlikely to garner a good experience, are actually acting against a sense of loyalty the park is trying to achieve, through the overall quality of the day out.

Chessie has less rides than Alton or Thorpe, but they are rides that fit the park perfectly, and as such, I tend to have my best Theme park visits there.
Rides just there for rides sake gives you...Lightwater Valley!
i know this is a late post but i would never go on gwazi at busch gardens africa ever again. it was so horrible. i felt like the cart was going off track and it jerks you around the whole time. not to mention the cars were just plain uncomfortably small.
I have explained in another topic, Valhala you would be better with nothing rather than it costing so much. You can't sbno it as it's such an eyesore.
Hmm. Good topic.

My initial thought is that removing any ride and not replacing it is damaging to the overall capacity of any park. While X:WTF is pretty dire, I am more than happy for a lot of unsuspecting people to spend an hour in the pyramid while I enjoy/queue for the other rides.

I think removing any ride from a park without a replacement is only a 'good' thing if its capacity or popularity no longer warrant allocating it a slice of the maintenance/staffing budgets.