Just rode I305 today for the first time post-trimming. I managed to get 5 rides, in mostly different seats.
The good news: It still delivers a lot of positive G's throughout the layout, and the original trim on the airtime hill near the end is now gone. I didn't black out once today, whereas last time I rode it (pre-trim), I blacked out on that first turn every time. Also, the new shoulder-strap restraints are worlds better than the OTSRs it came installed with. They're pretty comfortable and there's no neck-chopping whatsoever, which is probably also partly due to the fact that the transitions are now taken at a slightly slower pace.
The bad news: The first drop is ruined. Pre-trim, the combination of height, steepness, and the speed going into it from the cable lift made it the best drop I've ridden, bar none. Just ridiculous ejector for all 300 feet of it. Now, it's fairly tame. You can feel the trim grab pretty noticeably, and according to RCDB, it lowers the ride's top speed from 94 mph down to around 80 mph... pretty significant. The negative G's on the second hill are still there, but it's definitely floater now, not ejector. Still some good pops of airtime around the twists and on the camel humps, though.
The verdict: It's still a very intense ride and it's still a lot of fun, start to finish. It does suck that they had to mess up such a fantastic drop, but on the whole, I think this trimming had to be done in order to make the ride more acceptable to more people. If it keeps ridership relatively high and keeps the ride around longer, then I'm for it.